Chapter 28

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The next day come as freen somehow waking up late than usual. That's make all of their family members slightly weird but Rebecca just shrugged her shoulder with a tint smirk plastered on her lips secretly. Rebecca sipping her hot milk tea in the afternoon, while their moms were cooking at the kitchen for their lunch.

Richie and Billy also suddenly come to the kitchen, taking their seat at the dining table while munching onto snacks.

"Where is freen, Rebecca? You didn't see her?" Mrs Chankimha suddenly ask makes Rebecca shot their head to her and flusteredly shooking her head.

"u-uh.. No! I-I didn't know about her." She said but then she look down and secretly smiling. Without knowing, Richie saw her smiles makes he furrowed his eyebrows and slightly wonder where is freen right now.

"Morning~" A weak yet sleepy voices suddenly hearing onto their ears makes they all shot their head towards a direction. There, they saw how freen is still in her pyjamas, rubbing her eyes while yawning as if she could not sleep that well last night.

"Huh? Still sleepy?! Its so rare of you waking up late!" Freen's mom said and slightly shooking her head makes freen awkwardly rub her own nape. She then fake a grin and glance to Rebecca who likely smirking teasingly in secret.

"Uhm.. I cant sleep last night, mom." Freen said and slightly pouting.

"Why? Are you having insomnia? Should we go and search for a pills?" Richie suddenly ask, makes freen awkwardly grinning and waving her hands.

"Uh no. Im okay. Thanks."

"Then, should we go grab a pie freen? Lets go?" Richie ask again makes freen in hesitate to said yes actually when seeing how deep rebecca's stare is but Richie already stood up from his seat and smiling widely.

"I will wait you at the living room. Go and take your shower. Okay!" Richie said and left the kitchen makes freen sighing out loud and slowly nod her head. She then glance to all of the others including Rebecca before fake a chuckled and went away to get herself ready.

Billy then turn to see Rebecca and raise his eyebrows with a tint smirk.

"Should the two of us went out too? Rebecca?" He ask makes Rebecca immediately stood up from her chair.

"No. Im going out by myself. Bye." She stepping away.

"Then how about lunch rebecca?!" Her mom ask, slightly yell as Rebecca already left the kitchen.

"Just save it for me mom! I will come back at the evening! Don't worry!" Rebecca shout while taking a car's key which actually its billy's car key.

"Im taking your car billy!"

"Yah! Rebecca!!! My car!!!"

Not talking anymore, Rebecca already drove away with a little chuckled when seeing billy running to the gate with a annoyed feelings. And at that day too, Rebecca only spending her time alone, not taking care about others since freen will going out with Richie. Uh.

In the car, this time its only filled with silence. Richie keep glancing to freen and freen also did the same. She actually have a little guilty when remembering again that she scold him that time during the football match but... its all already happened. Right?



"About the football tournament. Im so----"

"No. Its okay. I understand. I understand that you want to win. I know you. You're competitive as always." Richie said, cutting freen's words as he also turn to look at her and give a wide sincere smile. Freen also slowly smiling and nod her head.

"Yeah, im so competitive. I want to win the game so much. That's why. Rebecca is so good right? She's so talented and top in everything she did!" Freen said, complimenting Rebecca with her eyes sparkles and lips also widely smiling as if she is that proud towards Rebecca.

Richie could see how freen's face immediately lights up when she talk about Rebecca. The excitement, the joy, the happiness, and the adoration could be seen that clearly.

"She was so great. She also genius right? She literally graduate her degree that fast because of her perfect score and high IQ. Gosh, she's so lucky."

And start from there too, freen keep complimenting her in front of Richie. Richie cant hide his feelings and immediately know that Rebecca beats him. In everything. Basically in everything.

I should've know that your heart is forever belongs to Rebecca, freen. I almost let myself think that you stares to me the same way as you stares to Rebecca. Your eyes, its sparkles and lightens up as if you saw a whole world of butterflies and flowers blooming, your smiles not only reaching your eyes but also your heart, your actions, your face, everything show how much she had you completely, freen. How lucky are you rebecca? How lucky you're to have freen in this way? A way that i know i never had to experience.

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