Chapter 14

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Rebecca going back to the beach house of chankimha's family while spinning the car's key with her fingers. She get inside the house and there is no figure of freen, Richie nor billy. Rebecca sighing loudly and just bringing her feet to the backyard, sitting on the beach chair that place around the campfire spot. There, Mrs chankimha also sitting while sipping her coffee, staring to the beach view as if she was having a problems.

Rebecca take a sit beside her makes Mrs chankimha look at her, and smiling widely.

"Rebecca. Where did you go early in the morning?" She sweetly ask as Rebecca just leaning her back on the beach chair.

"Soccer field." She simply answer makes Mrs chankimha nod her head and humming in understand. She then want to search for a topic, wanting to talk to Rebecca knowing so much that Rebecca is in pain about the last summer break up. Yeah, this is what her bestfriend which is also rebecca's mom said to her. That's why Rebecca behave like this.

Mrs Chankimha then leaning her back too, making both of them looking to the front enjoying the view.

"Breaking up is always pain and hard to move on, Rebecca. I know. And what you're feeling right now is valid. Its valid. Don't worry hm?" Mrs Chankimha suddenly said, makes Rebecca turning her head to her and blankly stares to her. Mrs Chankimha then stares to her too and smiling softly.

"Right? Its was so hurtful right?" She ask again makes Rebecca gulp for a second and slowly open her mouth to answer.

"Y-yeah. Its absurb."

Mrs chankimha chuckled and fixing her own sitting position, looking to Rebecca in a serious way.

"But I will always here, Rebecca. I can hear your rants, your cries, and your anger. Im here. Okay? And of course, we're here. Not only me. But all of us. We're family right?" Mrs chankimha said smiling, and giving advice as if Rebecca is her own daughter that she treasure so much.

Of course, for both of the moms- Mrs chankimha and also Mrs Amrstrong, Freen and Rebecca is their daughter own daughter too. They are precious for them. Mrs Armstrong thinks freen as her own daughter and so do the opposite. That's how close their relationship is.

"I know." Rebecca smiling a little, nodding her head and look away, holding back her feelings.

Im not being this desperate, hurt and sad because of the break up. Im not.


At the same time, here freen is, walking and talking happily with gulf. A man that she found at the party that night. And of course, she find gulf is a kind, great and cute guy. A guy that always has his own way to make jokes or topics to talk with her.

"Hahahaha! Its so funny you know. Wearing tshirt at legs? Who did that?"

"Me! I did that! That's why im telling you 'my funny story'. Not anyone else funny story!" Gulf replied while laughing as that's also make freen laugh out loud and even holding her stomach. Oh god, she can have stomach cramps when with gulf. Seriously. So much laughing.

Slowly, the laugh subside as gulf then look at her and smiling widely. He awkwardly rub his nape makes freen wriggling her eyebrows and playful smirk.

"What is it now huh?!" She ask, chuckling cutely makes gulf bite his own lower lips in shyness.

"E-erm... Can i... somehow ask you for a dinner date tonight?" He ask makes freen raise her eyebrows and stopping her feet from walking more. At the same time too, that's make gulf stop himself and stares to her gently.

Freen widely smiling and nodding her head excitedly.

"Of course!" Freen answer makes gulf's eyes widened and sparkling, lips grinning happily and gulping hardly.

"Really??!! T-then can we meet tonight? I will pick you up." He said makes freen smiling and nod her head. She then look down and glancing to him shyly.

"Then.. we will meet tonight?" She said makes gulf gently smiling and she then walk to pass him but Before she could passed him, she lean and give a quick peck on his cheek making gulf gasped and stunned on his spot. Freen chuckled and immediately running away, while waving her hands a little.

"Bye!!!" She shout, already far from gulf who still rooted on his place.

"Bye." He answer, cupping his cheek with his on hand, heart thumping so loudly after what freen did to him. Seriously, he already have intention to have freen as his girlfriend from the start he meet her.

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