Chapter 51

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(Recommend to listen onto sad songs when reading this chapters and the other chapters after this.)

Sun was sinking toward the horizon, the pitiless white ball now an angry orange. Slowly, the sky turn dark as night fell the blue haze of day lifted to reveal the stars.  The moon shone brightly, as if this was a great day, with a air that blew onto human's skin showing how chills and cold this night is.

Richie already calling for the management of rebecca's university, calling for rebecca's housemate, but still there is no one know where is she going. Right now, here he is, in front of freen's house with freen and all of chankimha's family getting so so worried over the missing of rebecca.

"Where the fuck she's going?!" Billy frustratedly cursing, slightly ruffling his own hair, as he and richie already went to search for her everywhere, but still didn't find her. Freen who seem already crying and full with tears on her cheeks, turning to then only to make they all sighing out loud.

Mrs Chankimha slightly trembling, really really worried over rebecca too.

"You guys already went to the places that she's always go?" Mr. Chankimha ask, hearing so stern in his voices as if he was getting serious, worried over rebecca safety.

"Yes. We're already went to the party house, friend's house, and even her other friends house. But there is no way we found her." Billy said makes richie grabbing his hair, rough and hard, a little bit disappointed towards himself, not taking care of his own sister.

The situations right now staying silent for a second as if they were thinking of something and that's accompanying with freen's little whimpers. Richie can't help but to glance and look at how upset freen is over this.

He walk closer to billy who was leaning his back at the car, before he whispering onto something.

"Rebecca also didn't answer freen's call?" He ask, makes billy slowly shook his head in silent as if they didn't want freen to hear their conversations.

"Huh? She's her girlfriend." Richie said. And there, billy raise his eyebrows and look at richie in slightly weird and shock. Oh? Richie didn't know?

"uh? You didn't know about this?"

"about what?" Richie whispering back.

"They had broke up. During mom's birthday party last year."

Those words makes richie's head spinning, and his heart drop a beat. Yes. Its shocking him. They broke up? Why he didn't know about this? Rebecca? Rebecca broke up with freen? No way.

Richie slightly chuckled, assuming this is billy's jokes.

"Are you joking huh? Oh man, dont—-"

"Fuck you. I dont have time to joke around. My sister cries all days after that night! She run onto me with her wet dress!" Billy scoffed and glares sharply to richie as if he was so mad over this case. Yes, billy was so freaking mad knowing rebecca leaving freen like that.

Billy is the witness seeing of how freen is crying, suffering and locking herself after the break up. Its hurts for him to see this too.

Richie's mouth slight gaped open, shock and disbelief hearing this. Somehow, the anger rising up inside his chest. Seriously? Rebecca broking up with freen? A annoyed scoffed escape from his lips.

In a second, suddenly richie's phone ringing which make everyone look at him. Richie raise his eyebrows and started to take his phone from the jean's pocket. And there, he gasped and quickly take the call after seeing the name of the contact that appear on the phone's screen.

"REBECCAAA??!! FUCK??!! WHERE ARE YOU??!" Richie shout, and the name that going out from richie's mouth makes freen quickly standing up and clumsily running towards him. They all patiently and eagerly waiting for richie's another words but for richie, when he shout that, the only things he could hear on the call is——

Rebecca's whimpers. Hard. And loud. That's make richie stunned and grasp for his phone more tighly against his ear.


"M-meet me here. The beach behind C-Chankimha's summer house. O-our summer house." Rebecca was stuttering so hard between her whimpers and sounding likely as if she was drunk.

Richie's jaw tightening, his chest getting quicker as he hang up the call.

"What's wrong?"

"How's rebecca?! Where is she?"

"Lets go to get her?"

The questions keep getting out from freen and also Mrs Chankimha in worries.

Richie look at them and sighing out loud with his eyes somehow getting darkened as if he was mad. Yes, mad over rebecca's stupid actions.

"She's at the backyard's beach. I will——"

"I will go!" Freen quickly said and was about to run away but richie quickly grab her wrist. Freen turn around only to see richie's eyes that seem stern.

"No, let me go. Okay? I will take her back home. You guys can wait inside." Richie said, as if billy understand this, he slowly grabbing freen and hugging her shoulder from side.

"Right, let richie go and take her. Okay freen?" Billy said, smiling to courage his sister.

Freen's eyes that still teary looks a little bit sad over this. But still, she nodding and slightly pouting.

"But please, take her home."

"Alright. I got it. Okay? Auntie, uncle, you can go inside too."

"Okay, take her home okay big boy! Take care." Mr.Chankimha said, slightly patting richie's shoulder before they all walking to get inside the house.

And right now, richie sighing out loud, and hands already curled to a hard fist.

You're just doing a stupid actions, rebecca. You're stupid.

(PS: I didn't read again to check the sentences or the spelling. Sorry if there are errors)

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