Chapter 1

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Rebecca Patricia Armstrong.

This year's summer. A summer after she graduated from college and officially turn 22 years old. But is it different from before? Will the summer as the same as before? She dont think so. Its nothing special. Nothing so excited about summer, even though everyone in this house seem so excited and happy to going to the Big Beach House at the California. Why California?

Its a simple answer. Because there is their 'Family House' placed. A beach house that will become their tradition to gather on every summer, spending time and going to events together. Its a house where belong to Chankimha's family. Who chankimhas for armstrongs?

Well, Her dad. Her Dad have a good relationships with Mr.Chankimha. Okay should we say they were bestfriends? Yeah, that's it. They are 'family'. She got to know them from she still a kid, until now. But yeah, they only could meet when summer. Funny right? How can her family have such a strong relationship with this chankimha family even though they only meet them once in a year which is : during summer long-holiday. But its not really that weird actually.

Its valid. Valid cause their parents were so close to each other.

But for her, nah. She mean, she's okay with them, she have a good relationship too, but she dont kn——-

"Rebecca!! Lets go! Dad already wait at the outside!" Her mom suddenly shout from the downstairs as she quickly zip up the small luggage that filled with her clothes and lift it up before running downstairs.


"Come here. Let me help." Her brother, richie grab the luggage from her hand as he walk out from the house before her mom smiling and grab her hand.

"I know you dont really like gathering, but this is our usual tradition every year right? So brace yourself okay Becbec?They are our family." Her mom softly said, caressing her cheeks as that's make she slightly nodding and force her lips to smile. Hm okay, its not that she's hating Chankimha family, she just... doesnt really like to be with many peoples around her even though only their two family, but still, uhm, after what happened....

Okay lets forget about it.

They all get into the car, as her dad droving along the way to the california, accompanied by the sound of songs and also richie who singing loudly. His bad voices ringing in her ears mixing with the loud songs makes she kick the back of his seat.


"Can't you shut the fuck up? You sounds bad."

Richie turn his head back and scoffed in annoyed.

"Seriously? You're ——"

"Stop okay, richie. Its true that the songs is too loud. Just slow it down." Her Mom said makes she slightly smirking as richie rolled his eyes in annoyed and turn his head to the road again. Rebecca taking a deep breath, feeling the fresh air that blew strong onto her face through the window. Her eyes closed, and her short brown hair flying messy with some hitting her cheeks.

Fresh clean air fills her lungs, energises her, clears her eyes and refreshes her body and mind, cleans up her skin and generally makes her feel alive and rejuvenat. But that's not for rebecca in this summer. When she open her eyes again, she realise this fresh air also makes she felt high. The intoxicating memories in the air gets her so high, blurry her eyes and makes her throat stucks.

Summer. Summer is not the same after what happened last summer, oh no. Its not about that. Its just not the same after all of the things i know and that things i should've not know in the first place.

After that, for some hours on the road, finally, here they are, already parked nicely inside the gate of the big beach house. A white-brown big cottage house that surround with beautiful green and colourful plants, as the backyard of the house were facing the beach with only tons of big rocks that dividing between the beach sands and the backyard.

Somehow, there is a big clear-blue pool there too with also a perfect hang out campfire place beside it, overlooking the sea against the backdrop of sunset or dawn. Its rebecca's favourite place everynight to calming down her mind, swimming and drowning herself into the cool pool.

Just as usual, when stepping out from the car, the two olders of Chankimha already waiting there with a tall man which rebecca assume that he must be billy, a one and only son of chankimhas.

The two older of Chankimhas hugging the two armstrongs. Rebecca slightly bowing as with the corner of her eyes, she could see a girl who was in her casual jeans and fit tshirt with wide smiles was running towards them excitedly making both of their parents smiling widely.

"Awwww freen! How are you!" Mrs Armstrong said as she then hugging the girl tightly as with that, the girl totally facing rebecca while hugging rebecca's mom. Rebecca slightly furrowed her eyebrows, heart slightly beating unto her ears.


She looking so precious. She's growing to a really beautiful lady. Before this, she only a girl that i treasure, wearing her round glasses and have messy hair. But right now, she's turn to a gorgeous lady. A gorgeous lady that have those eyes that could attract anyone including me, a gorgeous fragile lady that have the most sweetest smile as if she was eating sugar and honey everyday as her meals, and a lovely lady that i wish i can pluck this star from the sky among the many others stars that i didn't even set my eyes on. I just want her. This star.

But i know, i didn't even reach the sky to pluck her.

The girl, freen was giving a tint sweet smile, making her eyes disappear makes rebecca hardly gulping but when seeing how her eyes glancing to the side of her, she realise. She realise that freen was literally smiling sweetly to her brother. Not fully to her alone.

Rebecca swallowed her feelings back and slightly rolled her eyes, grabbing the backpack from the trunk of their car.

"Im going in" She said coldly and just walking inside the house without glancing back. That's leave everyone speechless over her cold yet rude attitude. Freen broke the hug with Mrs Armstrong and somehow staring to the figure that walking into the house who was looking as if unbothered and uninterested.

That's make freen slightly sighing and compose herself back, greeting the armstrongs again.

Its been so long. When rebecca getting inside the house, she look around and seeing how the furniture and everythings is still placed the same as before. But there is one thing added onto the wall beside their 'big family' (armstrong and chankimha) photo. There is freen sarocha chankimha's graduation photo that frame beautifully.

Three years, rebecca didn't have chance to see her in summers. Because why? Because freen is still in her college and could not get her chance going back in that three years summers. And this year, is the first time she see her again after the three years. Freen really grew up well. She's a eyecandy of rebecca, a inspiration that rebecca holding back at the bottom of her heart. But, she's not her's.

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