Chapter 12

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That night, freen only could staring blankly and sometimes will burst into cries, mumbling to herself of how hurt she is, when rebecca did that.

How can rebecca be that reckless when it comes to her heart? How can she treat her like that? and how can love become this hurtful?

Isn't love supposed to be full with smile and happiness? Then why rebecca? Isn't love suppose to make me excited every morning to see you, supposed to make me smiling and day dreaming everytime i see you, and supposed to give me support to live everyday. Then why this love i have towards you did the opposite way? Why i feel that you're not someone that i imagined ?

Someone that will pick me when i fall, someone that will smiling and sweetly giving me flowers, and someone that willingly to do anything for me. You're far away from that, rebecca. Just why.

Without knowing, that night she fall asleep with tears still forming in her eyes. The tears that slowly become dry, and for sure will staining her cheeks until the morning comes again.

At the other side and at the same time too, Mrs Chankimha and Mrs Armstrong was sitting nicely at the backyard, staring to the night skies with their hands holding each other. The slow and gentle wind blewing onto them, as the two older was taking their deep breath, feeling the calm and peace of the night time.

"You wont tell about it to others, rawee?" Mrs Chankimha ask, slowly turn her head and gazing her bestfriend that still adoring the skies. Rawee, which is also Mrs Armstrong, slightly smiling and shook her head before turning her head to look at Nun.

"I wont, its the best for us and——"

"The best for us?! It's absurb! Your children, and all of us should know about this! And you should go to the treatment!!!" Mrs Chankimha slightly raise her voices, scoffed bitterly and in disbelief when her best friend, Rawee Armstrong was telling her that hiding her cancer is the best choice for all of them.

Best choice? That's ridiculous.

"Nun! I know what im doing, this is for the best to all of us okay? especially to our childrens."

"No! That's never be ——-"

Mrs Armstrong squeezed Mrs Chankimha's hand, staring to her deeply and eyes somehow glassy. Mrs Chankimha also can't help but to stares and slowly, her eyes releasing a drop of tear, rolling onto her cheeks.

"Let me do this okay? Please? Let me make decision this time, can you trust me?" There, Mrs Armstrong said while her eyes also releasing the tears makes Mrs Chankimha grasp her hand tightly and nodding her head, lips force to form a tint smile.

How can they both being happy and not sad when they right now experiencing a worse thing ever in their life? Its either dead or survive. Its cancer. Lung cancer. For now, only the two of them that know about this and just like how Mrs Armstrong want, they will not telling others without this.

Before this, Mrs Armstrong always have the pain in her chest, felt the shortness of breath, coughing up blood, and feeling tired all the time. But its all being hide and keeping as a secret from the others exclude Mrs Chankimha. Only Mrs Chankimha know this and being the witness of how her own bestfriend having those bad symptoms of lung cancer. What can she do? When her decision is not getting the treatment and also hiding this for now?

Everyone in this house doesnt know how they both struggling and supporting each other, suffering and hurting behind their happiness and smiling lips. Maybe. Just maybe, this is the last summer that all of them completed.

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