Chapter 2

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Freen Sarocha Chankimha.

Today, its the most happiest day for her. The summer with armstrong's family after for three years she didn't join all of them. She still remember how sucks she was at the college during past three years summers, laying down on the single bed, staring onto the ceiling, sometime studying, and eating alone at the study table. Its sucks.

Its so suck when from she's as a kid, she already spend time with their big family for summer, doing their routine but that three years, she didn't. For the sake of one certificate paper of the degree, she should sacrifice that.

and today, she got to see someone that she want to. Someone that looking so cold and mysterious before but today, she even more cold and unfeeling. She is as cold as the East Antarctic Plateau. The coldest place in the world. As if she saw a little kid fall, and hurt herself, she would just standing there and not caring at all. Then, the parents of the kid would scold her for not helping the little kid. That's what everyone see her.

But that's not for freen.

Freen instead seeing how that someone was running away to the nearby store, buying something that can treat the wound and ran back to the little kid and then when seeing the little kid's parents already there, plus scolding her, she decide to hide those things that she bought, just helplessly and coldly walking away as if she was rude and heartless. Rebecca. A girl that freen set in a high place. A girl that so gentle in her own way, a girl that she think so complicated yet so powerful.

"Awww freen! How are you!"

Freen jump into a hug with Mrs Armstrong as with that, her eyes staring straightly towards her someone. Rebecca patricia Armstrong. She could see how rebecca was growing up into a beautiful girl. She have a slick back short - shoulder length brown hair, she still have those cute and pinky cheeks with freckles, the most sharp nose, and eyes as deep as the mariana trench that could drown her anytime if she stares to it for too long.

You're still pretty as before, and you kinda grown up. You had been a little kid before but right now look at you, you already the same height as me. You're still the only sun that brightens up my day, rebecca. The sun that so far away from me, but your appearance still heating my heart and my whole body.

Freen give a wide smile as for a second, rebecca seem startruck but she immediately look away coldly and walk away to get inside the house. That's make freen slightly sighing and wondering what was she had been through? They used to be a bestfriends. Even though rebecca always cold towards her when they still kid, but still, freen could see those gentleness behind those trait.

Freen staring onto that figure with a deep sigh.

"hey freen!" A voices hearing onto her ear makes she shot her head to the side and seeing Richie was smiling widely towards her with her brother, billy was standing beside him excitedly. Freen give a tint smile and approach him as he quickly give a big tight hug.

"awww i miss you so much. We didn't meet for three years!" Richie said as freen just chuckled before broke the hug.

"Yeah, i was just too busy with the college. But its all past! Here we are! Having the best summer as usual again!!!" She said excitedly and show a fist bump as richie smirking and laughing. Freen is only a year younger than billy and richie. She's a 24 years old girl that trying so hard to pass her studies.

"Yes! Should we go to...."



They all said in unison, knowing that this is always their routine : Swimming after the moment armstrongs family step their feet in the house's gate.

"Yeah! That's my girl!"

They all run away together with laugh, making the olders chuckled and shooking their head. They know so much about each other and everythings that they will do in the summer is always on repeat every year. Everyday, every activities and every step, they all know so well. Of course, its already for many years together!

This is what a 'big family' meaning is.

Armstrongs and chankimhas together. Not family by blood, but family by heart. How happy they were being together like this, forgetting everyone outside there.

Can i touch your cold-heart? Can you let me touch it? The moment i saw you, you're someone that i want to approach for. Someone that i want to know, and someone that i wish you would open your heart for me. Am i wrong? Am i wrong if i said i always dreaming of you? Am i wrong if i said i always crushing over you?

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