Chapter 19

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It was a bright and sunny day. The sun shone brilliantly in the clear, blue sky. White, fluffy clouds drifted across the clear, blue sky. Freen happily walking with richie to the outside of the house, sending him to a car as richie is going to somewhere else for a while. And there, she happily hug him and even smiles to him as if they already a great great couple.

"Bye pretty." Richie wink his eyes as freen playfully wink too before he lean forward and give a quick peck on her lips. And of course, she willingly accept it.

"Bye." Freen wave her hands and walk to get inside the house again. Without knowing, billy was watching this as he clenching his jaw and rush to richie, grabbing his collar roughly makes richie gasped in shock.

"What the fuck?! You're together with my sister richie?!" Billy slightly raise his voices, getting so mad of this fact. Richie immediately grab billy's hand that hold his collar, gulping hardly and feeling so flustered.

" i-I Love her! I love her, billy."

"Fuck off! You're seeing many woman!" Billy yell again, being protective when knowing so much that richie is a guy that always hanging out and playing with women. Richie then slightly push billy makes billy stepping backwards and his grip on richie's collar also loosened. Richie look at him while fix his shirt again.

"I know! I know! But im serious, billy. Im serious, i love her. Im not joking right now, billy" Richie seriously and desperately said makes billy glaring to him deeply and sighing loudly. With that billy quickly lift his hand, pointing his index finger to richie as if he was giving a warning.

"Fine. Atleast tell me from the start! And please fucking dont do anything inaproppriate in front of me." He said annoyingly, rolled his eyes and then just walk away, getting inside the house with such a disbelief feelings. Gosh, richie with freen? Ah whatever as long as richie is not hurting his little sister.

Richie sighing deeply and slightly ruffled his hair, knowing so much that billy will be this protective.

Dont worry, billy. Never. I will always love her and will taking care of her. Im promised.

At the other side, when freen getting inside the house, billy went to her and glares to her in disbelief.

"What the fuck freen? You're with richie?!" He ask, face already scrunched in annoyed and can't trust this fact. Freen look at him annoyingly and shrugged her shoulder.

"So what?" She groaned and went away to the backyard makes billy scoffed of her actions. Fine. He wont taking care of this. Fine.

When going to the backyard garden, freen could see her mom was looking and checking onto the flowers with a tint smile. She then approaching her mom, hugging her from behind.

"Oh! Ahh its you..." Mrs Chankimha chuckled when turning her head a little to see who is the one that hugging her. Of course its one and only her daughter. Freen smiling widely and also give a peck to her mom's cheeks before her mom hold her hands and turn her body to facing freen.

"Freen, you know we will have a football match for my woman's society club soon right? You will join it right?" Her mom suddenly ask makes freen raise her eyebrows.

"I know. But... i dont really have a team. But im sure, if i join it, i might search my friends from this village too. Maybe my childhood friends?" Freen said and chuckled makes her mom also chuckled and nodding her head.

"Alright then. Form a team and get in the competition okay?! Remember, im the leader of the club. I want to see you in." Her mom pouting makes freen smiling and nodding her head before pinching her mom's cheeks.

"Alright alright. I got it mom..." She answer but her mind already searching for a solution and thinking of who she need to invite to get inside her team.

But, why deep down in my heart i want rebecca to ask me to get inside her team? Im sure she know and will join this.


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