Chapter 49

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Summer, 2022

Freen was sitting at the backyard of the house, staring to the pool with her eyes slowly to get teary and glassy. The thoughts about rebecca never once leave her mind even for a second. Rebecca. Rebecca is leaving such a fresh yet powerful memories to her.


I thought I only miss what we could've been.

The dates we could've gone on.

The stories we could've told.

The laughs we could've shared.

It sucks, because even after all the bullshit you put me through,

I only remember the good parts.

And I hate you for that.

But then again, I miss you.

I miss what could've been you.

Freen broke down again, after about how many months after the break up with rebecca, she never heard any stories or news from her again. She totally cutting her off, and lose contact with her. Of course, she still had her number. But guess what? Everynight or every time she want to text or call her, her fingers was likely to freeze.

She can't even tap her number to call nor to text her. The only thing she did is, staring onto those numbers for days.

Oh, she heard about rebecca, but only when her mom telling her about rebecca last year, 2021 : which is, rebecca can't come this summer. She have an examinations.

Yes, the only news that she heard about rebecca from her mom, billy or richie is - rebecca have examinations, rebecca can't back home, rebecca busy. That's all.

Its sucks. So much.

And today, the new season of summer for this year, 2022. The first day. But, its not the same as before anymore. Usually, at this hour, Armstrong's family already arrived and they will busy preparing food at the kitchen, especially their mom.

But right now.....


She's not here.

The thoughts of Mrs Armstrong makes freen can't help but to burst into another hard cries. She was hurting too. Everyone is hurting. Not mention about her mom, and yes, she always see her mom crying alone, but not wanting to disturb her, she walk away knowing so much that her mom is crying over Mrs Armstrong.

"Freen? what's wrong sweetie?" A voices hearing and thats make freen quickly lift up her head, showing her messy teary and reddened face towards her mom. And there, Mrs Chankimha sighing out loud and slowly take a sit beside her.

"Mom.." Freen quickly pull her mom into a hug, hugging her tightly with her face burried on the crook of her mom's neck. She was whimpering so hard, And hiccups filling her mom's ears. Freen's cries also makes her mom teary out of sudden.

"Its so hurt, mom. Is sucks. Everythings goes wrong when auntie is not here. I want Auntie back, mom. Why did she left us? Why did she left rebecca and her family?" Freen whimpering and saying between her cries and hiccups which make her mom could feel those words stabbing onto her chest.

Gosh, this is so hurt. Everyone is hurting right now.

Mrs Chankimha crying too, as the two hugging each other tightly with Mrs Chankimha's hand didn't leave from rubbing freen's back.

"This is what we call fate, honey. Yes. Im hurting too. We all hurting. But, we need to accept this, and move forward. We're already hurting this much. But How much do you think rebecca and their family hurts? this might be stabbing, and making their world in darkness."

With those words, freen's heart much more hurting and slightly thumping. The worriness, the guilty, and every feelings rushing into her blood and brain. Right? Its true. When they're already hurting this much and then how about rebecca? She might be hurting more than all of us.

"I leave you when you're struggling, rebecca. I leave you. Im sorry. But isn't this what you want? Why you didn't catch me and hug me tight?"

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