Chapter 46

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And on the end of august, the most devastated things finally happened. The word becoming pitch black. Rebecca don't know how to do this anymore. she don't know how to get better. Her head is a dark place and it only gets worse, day by day. And she have no idea how to stop the darkness from coming in. She have no idea how to save herself anymore.

Her mom. Her mom dead.

Rebecca can't help but to stares onto the coffin of her mom from afar, as she hugging her knees, sitting and leaning on the wall at the corner of the room with no cries at all. She's lose. She was so hurting until she can't even crying at the moment. Her mind was running, spinning and battling which makes her heart thumping out loud.

Her mom is dead. Her mom is dead. Her mom is dead.

That's all the words that running in her mind which make her breath stuck. She grasp for her chest, crumpling her black shirt, eyes rolling upwards and slightly hit the floor with her hand. The anxiety attack which make her unable to breath coming again.

"Bec?! Rebecca??" A voices hearing as a hard multilple slap could be feel on her cheek.

"Come on, open your eyes! Please, breath slowly, follow me. One, two, three, breath, in.... out..." Those voices guiding her slowly. And once rebecca slowly open her eyes, she could see a woman that she know so well. Friend. Its friend.

"Are you okay?! Gosh, why?!" Friend slightly shook her cheek by holding her both face which make rebecca slightly nod and totally hung onto her.

And when she did that, friend just only sighing out loud, knowing so much that rebecca is exhausted. From rebecca looks, she already know that rebecca is in messed. Puffy red eyes, messy and looking so lose.

"im tired friend..."

"I know. I know. Its okay..." Friend comforting her, hugging and slightly rubbing her back which make rebecca slightly close her eyes and nearly to fall asleep. Seriously, at that moment, she feel like she have no hopes to live anymore. She doesnt have goals, purpose or reason to live anymore. Its all gone, with her mom.

When she was about to fall asleep, the next thing she know is, a loud shout ringing in her ears which make she open her eyes. Friend also quickly push rebecca and turn to see the owner of the voice.


Its freen. Its freen. Rebecca could see how freen was so mad, eyes was fuming red, face flushed and jaw tightening with her hands turn to a tight fist.


Rebecca could not muttered anymore words, freen already run away which make rebecca quickly stood up and run to catch her, leaving friend behind.

"Freen! wait!" Rebecca manage to grab freen's hand but only earning a hard yank from freen which make her hand let go from her.


"What do you want?! Let go of me!" Once again, she yank her hand.

They stop, standing face to face and looking so tense in everyone's eyes. And yes, everyone, including the visitors were coming for the death of Mrs Armstrong.

Freen was glaring deeply, as rebecca found how freen was looking onto her without love. For the first time, there is nothing but madness, and hatred.

"F-freen, that was just friend." Rebecca said, softly and flatly.

"Oh sorry interrupting your little moment."

"She was just helping me, freen."

Freen scoffed hearing that, and chuckled mockingly out of disbelief.

"So you're accepting her help but not mine? Got it. Glad to know that my ranking is fall next to the ex-girlfriend." Freen said, mockingly, and full with sarcasm

Rebecca clench her jaw, and eyes slightly close for a second before she glare to freen.

"Grow up freen!"

"Go to hell!" Freen shout.

And there, rebecca sigh out loud and look at her with her usual cold face.

"I should have know that you're like this."

"What do you mean?" Freen ask, eyebrows furrowed, weird of rebecca's statement.

"I knew it was a bad idea in starting something with you."

There. Those words. Those words makes freen's heart dropped and her heart likely to fall down from a highest place. Shattered. Its shattered into pieces.

"I-i dont believe you." Freen's voices hearing cracked and her eyes teary after hearing those statement. No. She wont believe this. Rebecca is not like this. Her rebecca is not like this.

Rebecca scoffed and look at her again.

"It was a huge mistake."

There, once again.

Freen's jaw clenching hardly, her fist shaky as she glares to rebecca as if she will kill her anytime soon.

"I hate you."

With that, freen run away with the thoughts of not wanting to see rebecca again. Cries, whimpers, hiccups were filling and accompanied her that time. No. She hate this. Why? Why rebecca make her like this? Just why? She dont believe this.

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