Chapter 3

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Where its all started.

That night, all of their parents including richie were busy at the kitchen, having their dinner and casual conversations. But not for freen or rebecca. Freen grab her towel, running to the back door with only the swimwear on her body. When reaching the pool area, her feet slightly stop. There is rebecca, sitting near the pool with her legs dipping in the cool water, enjoying the scenery of the beach and skies. Rebecca glancing to her for a second but immediately look away after that.

Freen slightly sigh and went back to her first intention which is : swimming. She place her towel on the table and immediately dive into the pool, swimming professionally without knowing that rebecca was obviously staring onto her figure.

You're still the same. Swimming at night in this chilly water.

Her corner lips lift up only a little bit, as with that too, freen coming to surface, gasping for air and turn to see her.

"Come on, lets swim!" Freen breathlessly and happily said makes rebecca stares to her deeply before look down, taking a lighters from her short pants pocket and a box of cigarettes from other pocket. Freen gasped, her eyes slightly widened and somehow its making her eyebrows wrinkled too.

What? She's smoking?

"Dont tell my mom im smoking." Rebecca coldly said, was about to lights up the cigarette but freen quickly splash her the water. Rebecca slightly flinched and look up, seeing freen slowly swimming approaching her. Freen staring to her as that look makes rebecca stunned and can't help but to staring to her too.

Without make up, and wet hair, freen looking so freaking gorgeous. If before this she already gorgeous, then right now she's hundred times gorgeous.

"Since when you start smoking huh? Its not like you at all." Freen said, still standing floating against the water with her eyes slightly glare to her. Becky scoffed and lighten up the cigarette again. When the cigarette is already burned, she take a deep inhale of the cigarette and blowing the smokes out.

"I dont really like you smoking, rebecca. I hate someone who is smoking." Freen said, sounding so angry yet so calm. This time, rebecca glares to her annoyingly and stood up from her sit, wanting to walk away. But before she walk, she turn to look at freen once again and scoffed.

"And what? Its you, not me. As if i care about you?" Rebecca said sarcastically and rolled her eyes, walk away from the backyard pool, leaving freen alone in thoughts. One more time, her words. Rebecca's words. How can that pinky lips stabbing her this hard? How can that little lips smoking and inhaling something that's not good for her health?

If i can, i willingly to be whatever you want to inhale, rebecca. What's wrong with you? How can you be this cold?

Rebecca walk around the house, taking a look onto the green plants and flowers that being planted by Mrs Chankimha. She take a deep breath and sigh loudly before her eyes lay down to her two fingers that still holding a cigarette.

"Are you a stealer, freen sarocha?" She mumbled, moving the cigarette with her fingers and throw it lazily onto the road before stepping on it for a second and heading back to get inside the house.

As expected, when getting inside the house, they all already head to the living room while Richie grabbing his car's key, with freen wiping her wet hair with the dry towel after her swim session.

"Where do you guys want to go? richie?" Mrs Armstrong ask as Richie put his cap on and shrugged his shoulder mischievously, grabbing billy.

"Where do you think we will going on the first night im here?" He ask with his usual naughty attitude.


"Yeah! That's perfect score!" He wink his eye makes their moms and dads chuckled before they walk away makes rebecca turn to follow him.

"I will follow." She said and walking out too makes richie raise his eyebrows and grab her by her shoulder. Rebecca and Richie always become a great-good brother sister to each other. Even though sometimes they are beating and fighting with each other because of their different vibes, but the love bound by blood is still there. Rebecca still respect richie as her brother.

"Of course sister."

That's leaving freen alone, wondering if she could go there too. Its like... if she's gone there, its gonna be cool right? Or what? But her mom——

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