Chapter 60

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This all time when im not contacting you, not knowing and not seeing you, i was miserable more than before. I gave up. I gave up in living. Plus, my cancer is hurting me much more. Its become horrible after you gone. Actually, i feels like hanging. I still hanging you around and you're still hanging me around. I was thinking. Thinking to make this clear and tell everythings to you so that you could be happy for the next days without me.

I find myself staring at this white papers, and my fingers, they're kind of hesitating, stumbling over the words. It's a bit like trying to write on a foggy window, you know? The words sort of fade away before they even get a chance to show up.But I can't keep running away from it. It's time, isn't it? Time to tell everyone including you, about me. Even richie didn't know about me. Funny isn't it?

Its Time to sort out the mess of our past and let it drift away like leaves in the wind. Saying goodbye feels so damn tough, though.Honestly, it's hard, like really, really hard. Because there's this feeling in my heart that's been sticking around, and it's not the kind of feeling you can just shake off. It's like lugging around a bag full of rocks, heavy and pulling me down. Well, I guess that's just how it was supposed to.

Because goodbyes are never a piece of cake, and this one, well, it's like ripping off a band-aid stuck to a wound that just won't heal.But I can't keep pretending everything's okay, that we're okay. It's been like l've been daydreaming, building castles in the air, but reality keeps knocking on the door. And those daydreams, they're like soap bubbles.
Pretty for a moment, but then they pop, leaving behind nothing but dampness.

For the longest time, I let my heart wander through a maze of what-ifs, dreaming of a future that never showed up. But those daydreams are like cotton candy-sweet at first, but they melt away, leaving only a hint of sugar on your tongue. And I realize, I can't keep spinning stories of a tomorrow that's always just out of reach.

I hope you know, though, that before I decided to give up, I've been holding onto the pieces of us, hoping they'd magically fit back together. But I've figured out that sometimes, being brave means letting go. It's realizing the puzzle will never be complete, no matter how much I try to force the pieces to fit.

So here I am, facing the harsh truth my heart won't admit. The silence between us is filled with words we never said, promises we never kept. I've carried these feelings like a burden, and now it's time to drop them. It's time to say goodbye, a heavy word loaded with what could've been but never happened.

The pain hits deep, like a dull ache spreading through every bit of me. Yet, as I wrote those last words, there's a weird sense of freedom. I'm letting go of the anchor that's been holding me to a ship that sailed away without me. Yes, it hurts, but there's a sort of sad relief in realizing that some stories are supposed to end, even if they leave behind scars.

With a heart that's heavy and fingers that ache, i want to tell you, i will leave you. Forever. Dont search for me, because i might not live anymore. The moment you read this, i want you to letting go everythings about me, about us. Be happy with richie, freen. I know, he's a good man. He will never make you disappointed just like how i always did to you. I know he could make you happy that's why i could give you to him. And for the final words, be happy always freen. Always. I just want you to smiling.

You can't be with me. Because i can't make you happy. I messed up. And i dont want you too. I love you freen. I love you. Can you promise me to be happy? Please?

That's how i end my letter for you, freen sarocha.

I love you. So so much. And trust me, until the end of my breath, i will still love you. We will be together again in another universe. Take care of yourself, be a good girl you always be. I can't take care of you anymore. But im sure richie will. That's all, love.

Maybe this is the last chance for me to call myself as your baby?

Your baby, rebecca.

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