Chapter 13

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Waking up in the morning feel like she was working for a whole day today. Its so tiring, with her swollen eyes and tears stains all over her cheeks. Freen walking lazily to the kitchen and could see rebecca was flusteredly placing the box of a blueberry pie on the table as when their eyes meet, rebecca gulping down and awkwardly pull the chair for her. Its make freen slightly shock.

"M-morning. Have a sit." Rebecca said coldly but having those unusual tone in her voices which make freen slightly furrowed her eyebrows and look at her in weird. But still, she take a sit on the chair that rebecca pulls for her.

Rebecca then walk, standing across her and push the blueberry pie box towards her slowly before crossing her arms onto her chest.

"Have it. You didn't get to eat your pie yesterday." She said makes freen humming and start to eat but still, she seem to avoid looking onto rebecca which make rebecca slightly bite her lower lips.

"I-i didn't mean it. Okay? Im sorry. I didn't mean it." Rebecca said which make freen look up to her and slightly smiling. That's make rebecca raise her eyebrows and rub her nape. Freen's smile is always becoming her weakness.

"Im going. Eat the pie! Alright freenky?!" Her corner lips slightly lift up before she walk away, taking a car's key leaving freen with a little chuckled. Look, gosh, rebecca is always holding a soft spot in her heart. Her angry yet upset feelings immediately going away just like that after rebecca's little move or actions towards her.

That day, rebecca drove away to a soccer field, as this soccer field used to be her and their favourite place to have a match with another kids that staying here. She getting inside the gate and grab the ball that place at the audience sit and start to run with a little dribbling. Suddenly, her ball being snatched from her feet by someone makes she look to the front in slightly shock and weird.

There is a old man that dribbling the ball that he snatch from her.

"Coming to practice your skills?" He ask, slightly smirking and stop from running, taking the ball from his feet by his hand. Rebecca sighing loudly and just scoffed annoyingly, walking away and take her sit at the audience sit. At the moment, the old man also walk to her and have a sit beside her with the ball still in his hand. They both look to the front, seeing how the green field was empty and filled with silence, accompanied by the calm wind.

"More to come having fun." Rebecca suddenly said, makes the old man look at her and smiling.

"Im Robert. The new watchman of this public field." The old man said, giving her his hand as Rebecca slightly raise her eyebrows. She then look at him for a second and accept the hand, having a little handshakes.

"Rebecca. Rebecca Armstrong."

When Rebecca said her name, Robert quickly raise his eyebrows and slightly mouth open but his eyes having those excitement sparkles.

"oh! You're Armstrong's daughter that come to Chankimha's house for summer?!" He ask makes Rebecca in weird but still slowly nod her head.

"Im your mom's bestfriend! I mean, your mom and also Nun's bestfriend when we're kids and teenagers"

"ah really? You know my mom and mrs chankimha." Rebecca said with her slow tone under her breath, but still loud enough to heard by Mr robert that sitting beside her. That tone already makes him know something that so weird yet so devastating.

"How's your mom and Chankimhas? You all still spending summer time at the same house for years hm? I can't believe your mom and Nun still really have that great friendships." He said with a smile, remembering again how he also used spending time there before the two woman get married and have their own life.

Yes, Robert is a friend that also always with two woman : Rawee and Nun, spending time at the same beach house just like how Rebecca and the two family right now.

Rebecca look at him and manage to give a tint smile. A smile that holding so much pain in her heart with her eyes glassy but still trying so hard to not release any tears.

"They're good. For now." Rebecca's voices cracked and that's make Robert sense something. So much. But he fake a wide smile and pat rebecca's shoulder before look to the front, enjoying the view of field and skies again.

"Its funny of how I always spending time with the two woman before this. They are my bestfriend, Rebecca. Bestfriend that I somehow over putting my feelings for." Robert suddenly confessing makes Rebecca look at him and furrowed her eyebrows. She waiting for him to keep telling the stories to her.

"Im sorry, I fall in love with your mom. And until today, she never know about this." He said again makes Rebecca gasped and staring to him who was looking to the front. Then, he turn his head, looking to Rebecca and give a tint smile that holding so much pain. His eyes glassy with tears but he can still even chuckled and slowly touch rebecca's shoulder, giving a little pat as if he was proud of her.

"But im happy. Im happy when I look at you right now. You're growing so well, Rebecca. That's mean your family is happy. And of course, your mom is happy with your father right? That's why they have you and your brother. As long as she's happy, im happy too." He smile widely again and sighing deeply, looking to the front. A loud yet deep sigh also release from his mouth makes Rebecca know that he's not that happy like what he said.

Robert is lying. He's not happy when her mom marrying another man. Until today.

"You're lying." Rebecca scoffed and look to the front too makes Robert raise his eyebrows.

"I might be lying. But that doesn't mean im not happy and not accepting this. As long as my one and only love, which is your mom is happy, then im okay. Im happy, Rebecca. That's the highest love and cares that I can give or show to her. Your mom."

"But my mom is not happy."

There, Robert gasped and look at her with his eyebrows slightly wrinkled but having those shock yet stunned emotion is his eyes.

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