Chapter 5

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The next day,

"Morning." Mrs Chankimha greet rebecca early in the morning when the first step she got into the kitchen. Rebecca slightly smiling and grab the cup before went to the refrigerator to pour some cold drink to wake her up.

"Morning." She simply answer, drinking the water calmly, nose smelling the delicious foods as obviously Mrs Chankimha was the one that cooking right now. Rebecca place the cup onto the table as she take her seat, staring onto how freen's mom is literally cooking alone, facing her.

"How are you rebecca?" She ask makes rebecca slightly raise her eyebrows and look at her blankly.

"Good. As normal." She said, still simply replying to this. Mrs chankimha somehow could sense something so weird yet so awkward as she tried so hard to keep the conversation with this cold girl. But look at rebecca, helplessly silent and keeping her cool.

"I want to talk to you about——-"

"Hi auntie!" A loud yet happy voices hearing, cutting their conversation as that voice is a voice that rebecca always heard. Richie. He place down the can of jasmine tea and a box of strawberries daifuku on the table. That's make rebecca staring onto the foods, knowing so much that it was freen's favourite food.

"Oh hi pretty boy! So early huh!"

"Morning.." One more time, the soft yet sleepy voices coming as freen was stretching her arms while still wearing her pyjamas, walking approching them and sitting at the table in front of rebecca and after that billy also coming to the kitchen, making all of them gathering.

"Oh here she is, a sleeping beauty. Here, jasmine tea with daifuku." Richie said, pushing the box gently makes freen's eyes immediately sparkles and she look at him excitedly.

"Really?! Whoops thankyou."

Freen taking a piece of mochi and eat it deliciously makes rebecca glancing to her. Freen take another one into her hand and handing it out towards her.

"Here. Take it." Freen smiling widely with her legs hanging and moving cutely from the high chair. Rebecca raise her eyebrows and take the daifuku from her hand, eating it makes freen smiling even more widely before rebecca stood up and walk away to the living room.

She turning on the television and looking onto it even though actually her soul is already not there. She only staring and stucking her eyes there, mouth munching the daifuku slowly. Suddenly, the sofa beside her felt pressed as someone sitting on it. Rebecca look to the side, seeing her mom lovingly smiling and look at her.

"Why you didn't sit with them at the kitchen?" Mrs Armstrong ask makes rebecca slightly shook her head and manage to smile softly.

"You know how much i dont really like being with others right, mom?" Rebecca said makes her mom sighing loudly and slowly reaching for her hands.

"Why sweetie? Is it still because of what happened last summer? Because of friend? Or what is her name? Rebecca, you still didn't move on?"

There, her mom was thinking about that. About her last year relationship which is with a woman, name 'friend'. A woman that she met here, when she spending her summer at this place and country too, without freen's existence.

Rebecca staring to her mom, her heart clenching hardly and eyes suddenly teary. She hate this. She hate when she could felt the psychically pain in her chest.

Its not about that, mom. Its never about that.

Mrs Armstrong smiling softly, caressing rebecca's cheeks with a intention to calming rebecca down when seeing how broken she is. Didn't she know that her daughter's heart is not broking about that?

"Enjoy this summer, rebecca. Okay? That's all that i want. Can you promise me to enjoy this summer just like how you where when you're kid?" 

That's question, and that's sentences that getting out from her mom's mouth makes rebecca gulping hardly and clenching her jaw out of sudden. Its feel like a sharp knife that stabbing her chest. She can't help but to not mutters any words but still manage to nod to her mom before quickly stood up and running away from the house making freen look to her figure in weird.

Rebecca didn't know where her feet bringing her but here she is, running to the side of the beach, holding her chest and slightly hitting it. She gasping for air, her heartbeat racing, her hands and feets trembling hardly. She could feel her knees was getting weak and head dizzy makes she kneeling down onto the sand, struggling in breathing.

"Becky!" A voices hearing as rebecca slightly lifting up her head, looking to the side and there is billy. Billy running to her and kneeling in front of her, checking onto her condition who seem sweaty and gasping for air.

"W-what happened?!" Billy ask, in nervous and flustered when seeing how rebecca was struggling.

"P-panic at-attack. Im okay." She slightly push his hand away that holding her shoulder while billy already gasped and shock hearing this.

Panic attack? When did rebecca have panic attack?

"What should i do?!" Billy ask flusteredly.

"J-just talking whatever! Okay?! Im okay! Just talk and let me breath for a second." Rebecca answer with her voices seems gasping the air hardly. Billy gulping and shifting her body to sitting on the sands, looking to the front with a deep sigh. He need to calming down rebecca and he know only this maybe could calm her down.

Letting the wind and fresh air filling the situation for a minute, he then start talking.

"Do you remember? How all of us were 10 years ago or should i say when we were kids?" Billy ask before he smiling softly and widely, staring to the beautiful view of the sea with strong wind blowing to their skin. With that, rebecca's eyes and mind immediately filling with the memories that they had before this. A beautiful memories that filled with laughters and smiles on all of their family's members lips.

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