Chapter 9

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After done, freen went to the back window and could see from afar that a figure was standing at the backyard garden, staring to the sky as if the sky was her favourite. Somehow, freen wish rebecca was staring to her like that, in the same way, and with the same feelings. A feeling that with so much love and affection. Freen's feet somehow putting on her slippers, bringing her towards rebecca.

"You said you didn't buy a gift. And what about that necklace hm?" Freen ask, turning her body to face becky who still staring to the sky. Rebecca gasped, and immediately turn to her too, seriously in shock of what she heard right now.

She know?! What?! How?

"d-dont tell me you're barging and stalking my room freen sarocha?" Rebecca's cold voices hearing as freen slightly smiling and nod her head. Gosh, how rebecca is pronouncing her name. Uh.

"Mhm, its in your pant's pocket. I was about to do laundry since your mom ask and then... that's what i found. Is it for me?" Freen ask again, smiling as if her heart was so happy and wishing that rebecca will said that its for her.

"Hm. I got your number right? Then its for you." Rebecca said and turning to see the skies and stars again. Freen smiling widely and can't help but to feel her heart was likely in flame, burning and blooming as if there is a fireworks that slowly burst.

"Then why didn't you gave it to me?" Freen ask, slightly pouting makes rebecca sighing loudly and turn to her again as if she was annoyed and bored over freen's company. But, Rebecca's stares slowly turn to a soft one, making freen could see the first time sparkles and warmth inside it. The eyes that could hypnotize her, and eyes that filled so much mystery.

"Because i dont think i could, freen." A cracked yet hoarse voices hearing onto freen's ears as rebecca keep staring onto her just like how she wish. Rebecca's heart thumping loudly yet calmly, and that's the same as freen's. Slowly, both of them without knowingly move closer, face leaning towards each other and eyes travelling all over each other's face.

How freen's cute and beautiful features, how her eyes holding so much emotions and that's dominated with love that could drowning and hypnotised rebecca anytime soon. That's the same as freen. She could see how rebecca's brown eyes looking so deep and iris seem dilated, how her throat rapidly gulping down, lips slightly shaky and breathing heavily.

Without knowing, slowly and gently, their lips collide makes both of them closed their eyes in unison. Freen could feel the billions butterflies rush through her body, electricity flowing to her spine, hands as cold as ice, feet trembling and eyes in hesitate to open or to stay close. Rebecca grab her waist closer, slowly moving her lips as if she was so drown over freen. She could not stop. She cound not come to her sense.

Freen slightly open her mouth, as rebecca kissing her lower lips and upper lips in turn, passionately and so gently before freen also slowly respond to the kiss. For a while, When freen respond to her kiss, rebecca gasped and immediately push her, making their body slightly stepping backward from each other. Rebecca's eyes widened, mouth slightly hang open, as she cursed under her breath.

She come to her sense.

Freen disappointingly look at her, slightly in disbelief and eyes growing big, weird of rebecca's actions.

"I-im sorry. W-we sh-should not do this. Im sorry. For-forget about this." Rebecca stutters really hard, avoiding looking onto freen's eyes before she turn and run away as quick as she can. She felt embarrassed, flustered, and at the same time frustrated, confused and angry of herself.

She should not do that.

That's what she thinks.

There freen is, alone and touching her own lips with a deep sigh. She can't understand rebecca. Seriously, she can't.

How can i move on and run away from you when you make me feels like this, rebecca? How can? Why did you have that powers to make me fall for you? Everytime, every seconds and every minutes, its only you that i could think of. Its crazy right? How can rebecca?

Meanwhile, Rebecca slightly hit the wall of her room and groaned frustratedly.

Fuck, what have you done huh rebecca?!

She scold herself for being stupid at that moment. Without knowing for both of them, there is a guy who watching all of this through the back window, and quickly walk away after that.

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