Chapter 41

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Mrs Chankimha walk out from the house alone after what happened, sighing loudly and staring to the night sky. A night sky that calm, cold and filled with silence.

"Nun." A voices suddenly heard, makes she slightly flinched and look to the side. seeing it was Mr.Robert who was still at the table, and somehow slightly cleaning the table that messed after the event. She gasped and walk closer to him.

"Huh? You're still not going back?"  She ask as he give a smile and somehow walking towards the bench, sitting on it makes Mrs Chankimha also went sitting beside him.

"I've no intention to hear about the conversations just now. But i heard it." He said, indicating how the yell and shouts that comes from inside of the house between the armstrongs just now. Mrs Chankimha sighing and humming, but before she could talk, Robert quickly continue again.

"This is what i want to talk to you just now, nun. Rebecca. She already know this for a long time already. Its hurting her, Nun. I could see this." He said, turning his head and stares to nun which also his friend with his teary eyes. Mrs Chankimha, Nun also tears up and sighing loudly again.

"And she told me about this. Everything. I know everything." Robert said again.

"I should've notice this earlier. I should've help her earlier. And i should've persuade Rawee to go to the treatment more hardly." She said, between her loud sigh and somehow a drop of tears rolled down to her cheek. That moment, Mrs Chankimha also feel like she was useless. She can't do anything in this case. What should she do?

"Its not your fault. I know, rebecca also know that this is Rawee's decision. Right? Rawee always like that. She wont like anyone around her worried or sad. And its the same as rebecca too. She's too precious. She took after her mom so well." Mr.Robert said as with that, Mrs Chankimha look at him and slightly stares to him in shock. He seem to know rawee so much. He seem to really that cares and adore her so much until he know everythings.

"You know rebecca so much. More than i do." She suddenly said, makes Mr.Robert slightly smiling and sighing out loud.

"Nun, you know what."

Mrs Chankimha raise her eyebrows, waiting for Mr.Robert to continue his talk. He then look to the skies, makes Mrs Chankimha look at him in wonder.

"I should've told you. I should've make my step a long time ago. I should've not letting Rawee married with another man. Its hurting me. Its hurting me knowing that i sacrifice my love for a man that didn't even know how to appreciate her." There. When he said that with his crack voices, that's make Nun gasped, and eyes slightly become bigger in shock. She never know that he have a feelings towards rawee before. Never.

Mr.Robert then turn his head, looking straight into the eyes with Mrs.Chankimha.

"I should've told her from the start that i love her. Until today, its still the same." He said again, eyes shaky and teary. This time, Mrs chankimha close her eyes for a second, making a drop of tears release from her eyes.

"I dont know anymore, robert. Its make me numb. She should've her happiness. But... everythings goes wrong. Not talking about her husband, look at herself now. Its hurting me. So much." She said, and look down, feeling a little teribble about herself. Robert sighing loudly and slightly rub her back to calm her down.

"Its fate, nun. Its our fate. What we all could so right now is, supporting, and helping her. For me, i already promise myself to always love her. Even from afar. But dont worry, rebecca and richie will also become my friends or my child." He said, smiling and staring to the skies with hopes that Rawee can get well as soon as possible just like before.

"Thankyou, robert. Thankyou. Thankyou for coming when she and me in the most painful parts." Mrs Chankimha said to him as somehow robert smiling and pat her shoulder.

"Dont worry, you're my friends. Bestfriends. You and her is my everything."

And that moment, a little weight slightly move away from robert's heart for being open up towards nun after all this years which is : he tell her his feelings for rawee. But, he know that he will stay beside each other including Rawee, to give her support, and courage to overcome this huge life's challenge.

And sure, one day he will tell her about his feelings too. For Mrs Chankimha, she slightly felt relief of having another person that she could rely on. A person that she can relate and complaining about rawee. But no matters what, right now, they will focus on rawee's condition and treatment.

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