Chapter 20

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Days after days passed, Rebecca could see how freen and richie become so touchy yet so happy. Seeing them together always and also going out together these days really makes she feel sucks. If she can, she want to run away from this house right at the moment and wont seeing them this close again. Seriously, this sucks and could make her eyes blind anytime.

Rebecca stood up from the couch coldly and roughly, walking to the outside of the house and sitting on the bench that placed under the big three in front of the house.

Only sitting there for a minute, her mom slowly walk towards her, also sitting beside her with a smile. Rebecca slightly smiling, staring onto her mom's face that could make her heart calm. She wish she can always see this face.

"How? Will you get into the football match?" Her mom ask makes rebecca slightly smiling and look down.

She didn't answer the question but she leave a deep sigh which make her mom pat and massage her shoulder lightly.

"Join it okay? Ask Freen to get inside your team. Okay? And remember rebecca, always follow your heart in everything you do. Alright? I will always love you." There, her mom said again makes rebecca look up and stares to her for a second. Every words that getting out from her mom's mouth makes her bleeding. Everytime.

"Hmm." She hummed and nodding a little, as she then slowly leaning her head to her mom's shoulder, resting on it with her eyes closed. Mrs Armstrong smiling widely and somehow caressing rebecca's cheeks softly, with her staring to the front enjoying the calm and gentle wind blowing onto them. Rebecca could hear how her mom's heart beating slowly yet calmly, as she feels so nice doing this.

Summer is their favourite season because of this. Because of the situation, events, and especially because they gather like this together. And rebecca know how much her mom and also freen's mom liking summer so much to make this season as their tradition in life.

"Bec!Bec!!!" A voices suddenly makes rebecca groaned and opening her eyes, shots her head to the side. Its was billy who was wearing his shoes with richie and freen was walking behind him as if they want to go somewhere else.

"Lets go. Amusement park." Billy smirking, as rebecca raise her eyebrows knowing that this is also part of their games. They always went to the amusement park only to have bets and the lose one will make a punishment afterwards.

"Go rebecca. Go having fun." Her mom said to her makes rebecca sighing loudly and stood up.

"Hm. Lets go." She coldly said, standing up from her sit and walk to the car. She get inside and seating at the backseat as freen also getting inside, sitting beside her. Freen was smiling widely when the car is moving, and she also slightly screaming, celebrating excitedly knowing that they will going to the amusement park.

Rebecca look away and lips slightly curled, smiling over how freen is that cute and excited.

You're always that happy when we're going to the amusement park even though you always lose every games you're playing. Tsk. Such a cute girl.

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