Chapter 11

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Arrived at the house, freen happily holding a box of blueberry pie and running to get inside the house. But, before she could do anything, her feet tripped onto a big stone which make she stumbled down and scream in pain. The box of blueberry already fly and land on the ground, scattered and can't be eat anymore.


Rebecca gasped and want to run to her but before she could do that, richie already rush to her, grabbing and helping her to stand up. Rebecca was so worried but she manage so hard to maintain her posture and emotions again, staring deeply to both of them especially to freen.

"Are you okay??!!!" Richie ask worriedly.

freen slowly standing up, holding her forehead a little as richie gasped and slightly blew her forehead.

"Gosh, its swollen! You! How can you be that clumsy huh bunny bunny freenky?!" Richie scold cutely makes freen scoffed and hit his arm playfully. Freen then turn to her side only to meet rebecca's face that seem so unbothered and stares to her lazily. Yes, in freen's eyes, she was not caring about her at all.

That's make freen sigh roughly and walk to get inside the house, still cupping her forehead that slowly have a bump that turns blue.

When getting inside the house and went to the kitchen, freen pouting her lips to both of their moms as Mrs Chankimha slightly shock while Mrs Armstrong quickly went to her and cupped her cheeks.

"What's wrong freen?! What happened?"

"I fall down.. And my blueberry pie..." Freen pouting even more, feeling a little bit upset knowing that she didn't get her chance to eat the blueberry pie that she bought just now.

"Awww......." Mrs Armstrong drag her to have a sit before she went away to take a cold water and towel to make the swollen bump subside. She then come again to freen, taking care of freen as if she was her daughter which make freen's mom smiling and stares to her actions.

"it doesnt look that bad." A voices suddenly hearing as rebecca walk to them, taking a glass of water and drink it as if she's not that cares. Freen glares to her angrily and scoffed. Seriously. Huh?

"Then what? You want me to die first and then it finally count as bad?" Freen ask sarcastically as rebecca who drinking the water just now, put down the glass and look at her before shrugged her shoulder.

"Maybe?" Rebecca simply said with a tint smirk and walk away, makes freen clenching her jaw tightly. Freen then stopping Mrs Armstrong's hand from treating her and she stood up, also walking in rush to catch rebecca up.

Freen grab rebecca's hand, dragging her to the back of the house.


"Just follow me will you?!"

Rebecca lazily follow her and yank her hand away when they already a little far away from others and standing face to face. She could see how freen's face was looking so tense and angry but that's not meaning she could let her guard down. No.

"Seriously Rebecca? After last night? After we ki—-"

"That's a fucking mistake!" Rebecca yell, cutting freen's words. Her eyes was glaring deeply to freen, hands clenching and jaw tighten too and that's making freen stunned on her spot. Rebecca's face and body language saying that she was freaking mad, fist shaking holding her feelings. That's what freen see right now.

"THAT WAS FUCKING A SHIT MISTAKE! STOP BRINGING IT UP AND FORGET THAT SHITS!!!" Rebecca yell again and walking away angrily, even though her heart also rip apart.

Freen swallowed her saliva, grasping for her chest and still froze, in disbelief of what she heard just now. She felt like she was being crash by a big truck, hitting her making she felt the twisted in her stomach, and heart bleeding. She was broken in pieces. How can? How can rebecca? She can't help but to release her little cries and look down, gasping for air when her chest was so in pain. In the end, she was kneeling down and crying hardly at the backyard.

How can you rebecca? How can you? How can you be that cruel to me?! Shits? Shits mistake? That's my best night and kiss ever rebecca, its the best for me. Because why? Because its from you! Because its you! And then? You call it as shits mistake? Its a shit mistake for you? How can you.....I can't even shake my head off everyday and every seconds because of your kiss. And you think that's nothing for you?

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