Chapter 47

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One month passed after the funeral of Mrs Armstrong.

Rebecca still the same and even much more worst. She's totally different. She's dying, cold, and likes to be alone. Its just the same, no matter with richie or with freen, she's the same. She never ask for help nor texting them first.

She was lifeless, just like a walking corpse.

After what happened during the funeral, freen somehow still texting rebecca. Asking for a date, saying sorry, and even asking to meet. But, rebecca is ignoring her or sometimes make so many excuses.

Right now, rebecca's phone keep ringing, and beeping but receiving no actions from rebecca.

"Uh.. come on, just take the call now buddy. It might be important." Her housemate said, makes rebecca who was acting busy reading her book suddenly stop her actions. She sighing out loud and glance to the woman which is also her housemate just now.

"Come on."

That's make rebecca sigh and grab the phone, walking out from the house only to accept the call.

"Hm?" That's the only sounds that she make when she accept the call. Somehow, at the other side, freen was likely to jump in excitement as she was so worried of rebecca. Of course, its already a long time that rebecca seem distancing herself from her.

"Rebecca! gosh, im so worried. How are you? You didn't want to come back? I miss you." Freen bombarded her with so many questions, showing how much she was devastated when rebecca is ignoring her.

"Im fine."

And i miss you too, freen.

The simple word that freen receive from rebecca makes she a little bit sad.

Rebecca, you seem wanting to distancing yourself from me.

Freen fake a smile and she take a deep breath before sighing out loud. Yes, she need to be positive.

"Will you come back? My father will make a birthday party for my mom's birthday this weekend. Please? Can you come back and come to our house?" Freen ask, sounding a little desperate as with that voices, rebecca already could feel how much her heart was thumping out loud. Gosh, she miss freen so much. So much as she felt like her heart was hurting.

Rebecca grasp for her chest and a little thin smile slowly curled on her lips without she knowing. Why did everythings become so hard, unfair and cruel for her?


"sweetie! Who you're talking to?"

Those question could be heard on the phone as rebecca's word being stop by that.

"Oh mom, im talking to rebecca." Freen said, smiling widely and only hearing those conversations between freen and her mom, rebecca could feel how freen was that happy replying to her mom question about her.

"Really? Let me talk to her too. Can i?"

"Of course! Here!" With that, the phone was being passed from freen to Mrs.Chankimha. Rebecca slightly clear her throat at the moment.

"Hello rebecca my darling, how are you?"

"u-uhhhh... i-im good.." Rebecca replied through the call, but those words from her makes Mrs Chankimha sighing out loud.

"You sounds not well. Take care of yourself rebecca, freen keep crying and worrying you any seconds she could. Please rebecca?"

"I got it, auntie. I got it."

"Come home this weekend. Okay?! I dont want to hear any rejection. I want us to gather again for my birthday party." There, when Mrs Chankimha said that, rebecca couldn't refuse this anymore. This make she thinking hard and deep.

What should she do?

But... should she just go? As their last meeting with each other?

"A-alright auntie...i-i will."

Rebecca said earning a happy humming from Mrs chankimha and she could hear how freen also cheering before the call ended. Rebecca put the phone in her pocket as she sighing out loud and take a sit on the stairs. She grab her hair and eyes slowly releasing it tears, thinking about everything that she going through.

Its hard.... This is so hard for her...

"M-mom.... I wish you were here...."

Without knowing, she crying hardly, but silently. Alone.

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