Chapter 38

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The day is finally here. A day were everything will be go back as usual, and summer also end. Tomorrow, the armstrong will going back to their own house and hometown again that take hours to drive. Maybe 4-6 hours?

And tonight, the open house party held with people were coming and filling the compound, house, and also the backyard. They all were enjoying the foods and drinks that place at each of the table that place there. All of the place and area decorated beautifully with tables serving many foods.

Rebecca was eating with freen, sitting at the corner of the house compound, eyes staring to all of the peoples that seem smiling, laughing, talking and joking around with the others. The night filled with the busy and loud voices, and the colourful lights also filling the area around the house. They could see billy and richie was talking with their friends, their parents also talking and greeting the visitors, everything.

Everything is so calm and happy tonight.

"You will going back tomorrow..." Freen suddenly said with her upset voices, pouting her lips as rebecca then turn to look at her and give a tint smile.

"Right...." Rebecca simply said, letting out a little sigh with eyes staring to freen but her mind somehow floating away.

"B-but we will always meet right? You will come here or i will going to your house. Right rebecca, right?!" Freen shake rebecca's arm and said with her voices slightly getting excited or want to persuade rebecca that they will always make ways to meet.

Rebecca come to her sense again and give a smile, nodding her head.

"Yes, freen. Yes. Dont worry about it okay?" Rebecca stroke freen's hair away from freen's face, stuck it behind her ears and then caressing her cheeks.

"I will okay? We will always contact each other too .Come on." Rebecca chuckled and patting freen's head as if she want to comfort and not wanting freen to think about this too much.

At the other side, Mr. Robert slowly approaching the circle which is Mrs armstrong and Mrs.chankimha who were talking with their friends. Mr.Robert didn't even let his lips fade from smiling.


All of them turning their head including the two women as at that moment, the two gasped, eyes slightly widened and somehow smiling widely when seeing him.

"Robert!" Mrs Armstrong, Rawee said, slightly walk in rush and have a hug with him which make he slightly stun of her action. A second hugging for a greeting after a long time didn't meet him, she broke the hug and look onto him in the eye with her wide smile.

"Woa how are you? I didn't see you already for many years!" Mrs armstrong ask him

"Hey, im going first!"

"Yes me too!"

Their other friends excuse themselves to let Mrs Armstrong and Mrs chankimha have a talk with Mr.Robert. Mrs chankimha then smiling, nodding her head before walking to the two.

"Robert! You're here. How did you know we're having party?" Mrs chankimha, Nun ask as Mr.Robert then smiling, slightly rub his nape in awkward with eyes glancing to this two woman.

"U-uh.. Rebecca. She keep coming to the soccer field. I got to know her there." He said makes Mrs.Armstrong raise her eyebrows and in disbelief that rebecca is that good with people other than their family? uhm.

"Oh really? Good to know that you already know my daughter."

"Yeah, i always know. You have a son too right? And you too right Nun? A son and a daughter. A pair." He said makes the both woman chuckled and nod their head in unison.

"Yeah! I can't believe i meet you here!" Rawee said as robert just nod his head, staring into her eyes deeply with the longingness where building up inside his chest. Her. His first love until now.

"Thanks to rebecca." He said and give a wide smile.

"Where is your family? Wife or kids?" Nun ask makes robert chuckled bitterly and shook his head.

"No. Im not married yet."

When he said that, the both woman gasped and eyes widened hearing this. In their age, he still didn't get married?

"O-oh.... You must have a reason right? Its okay.. Just think as our childrens is your childrens! We're friends afterall. Bestfriend." Mrs.chankimha said and somehow grabbing Mrs.Armstrong and Mr.Robert into a circle. They then have a big hug which remind them in the old days.

The old days where they were riding bicycles on the empty road in the morning for school, where they running and joking around on the sands beside the beach, where they dancing and wet, laughing under the heavy rain and how they always beside each other from primary school.

No one could beat their friendships. And they miss this. A three bestfriends.

"Rawee! Come here!" A shout hearing makes they stop hugging as Rawee look behind and could see her husband was calling for her. She then look at them again and smiling.

"I will coming back! Wait!" Mrs Armstrong said, running away leaving only Robert and also Nun together. This time, robert seem to stares to Rawee, who running away before turn to look at Nun with a deep sigh.

"Nun. Can we talk?" He suddenly ask makes nun raising her eyebrows and nod her head.

"Of course!"

"Actually, rebecca. Rebecca---"

"Nun!!! Come here!! Your friends come!" Rawee shouts makes Nun look at her and nodding from afar.

"Okay okay!!!"

"Robert, give me a minute okay? We will talk after this! Dont go back first! Wait for us and we have so many things to catch up!" She said, running away too with a little wink which makes robert slightly hissed and rub his nape. He should say this but... he didnt get the right chance and time.

This is important. So important.

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