Chapter 15

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At the 7:00 PM, Freen was happily searching for a proper clothes for her to get ready, going on a date with gulf. Mrs Armstrong then came and help her, as everyone already know that she will go on a date.

"Seriously? Gulf? That nerdy guy? He's my friend, freen." Billy said and shooking his head, slightly rolling his eyes as Richie just smiling and grab billy's shoulder.

"Come on. Just let her. She's growing." There, richie said and still manage to joking and smiling towards billy while rebecca just stay silent, reading onto her books on the couch. Of course, she heard all of this. She fucking heard all of this and understand all this situation.

"Bye moms! Im going! Gulf already here." Freen shout, walking towards the main door with her wide smile and have a big hug with both of the moms before she walk out from the house. There, rebecca could see how freen was looking so beautiful in her white flower printed dress. And somehow, she wish that freen getting ready and preparing herself that beautiful because of her. Because of her and for her. Not for someone else like this.

And of course, the date was going so well between freen and gulf.

That night too, becky was at the living room while everyone already fall in their sleeps. The house including the living room already filled with the yellow-dim sleeping lights and full with silence until the main door clicked, meaning someone just got back home. Rebecca shot her head towards the door and could see freen was happily getting inside the house with her smiles was radiant and full of joy.

Freen slightly froze when seeing rebecca as she just ignore her and walk, wanting to get to her room.

"How's the date?" A cold voices hearing makes freen stopping her feet and slightly scoffed, before turning to see rebecca who already standing up from her sit. Rebecca walk towards her as freen raise her eyebrows.

"Its always good. Didn't you have a woman too? Why dont you go and kiss your woman?" Freen sarcastically ask, makes rebecca scoffed bitterly, eyes staring deeply to freen as if she was mad and walk closer to freen too.

"And why dont you go look in the mirror some more? You're disgusting."

With that words, rebecca rolled her eyes rudely, walking away leaving freen as freen could feel her heart was shattering into a pieces. At that moment too, her eyes escape a drop of tears and with that, she wonder. She wonder whether if this is a way all crushes is die? With a whimper, slowly and then just like that, its all gone. Her crushes to rebecca slowly fall out.

You always break my heart rebecca. Is this the end of my crushes to you?

Rebecca know how much freen insecure of herself and now, rebecca was the one that makes freen felt so terrible towards herself.

Rebecca. A woman that i once loved.

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