Chapter 4

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"Is this will be a good choice?" Freen mumbled, driving her car away as she actually sneak out, wanting to go out to where becky, billy and richie is going. Its because of her mom. Her mom actually didn't really let her going out to the party, and herself also is not the type like that. Freen is such a sweet girl, knowing so much to taking care of everyones heart, and she also a person that everyone found lovely.

When parked in front of the seaside place that held a party every year on first day of the summer, she could see from afar that the house— Can we say as house? That Seaside house full with peoples, with some of them were playing and scattered around the beach, colourfull lights filled the house and noisy sounds could be heard from afar too.

Freen step out from the car, and could feel the chilly wind were blewing onto her skin strongly makes she rub her arms rapidly. She was wearing a sleeveless dress as she slightly fix her dress before walking towards the party house.

The loud songs and cheers filling her ears, the people walking back and forth passing her, as she could see the house was fulled with people. She squeezed herself between the people, getting inside the house and of course, the atmosphere was different. People drinking, kissing, dancing and singing were everywhere. The smells inside this house also suffocating her.

But there freen is, her eyes stucks on particular people, who was kissing against the sofa with a girl that cling onto his neck. Its richie. He was kissing passionately before his eyes glance to the side and saw her. Freen sighing as richie slightly gasped, broking the kiss as fast and sudden as he can.

She just giving a tint awkward smile before walking to the other side, as at that moment too, her feet stop. She's frozen and rooted on her place. Her heart skip a beat and Stomach twists hardly. Time seeming to slow down. She's not being able to comprehend what she was seeing or hearing, and so on.

There, Rebecca. She was kissing a shorter girl softly, hands grabbing her waist and body pressed against her body. Freen doesnt know what she felt at that moment, but what she know the next thing she does is, sighing and turn her back to walk away.

"Freen! Wait!" Richie suddenly shouts, making rebecca gaped the kiss and furrowed her eyebrows. Freen? Freen is here? She ask herself. But not wanting to show how much she cares, she didn't make her step to catch, walk or search for freen. Never.

Freen stop walking as richie blocking her, facing her and slightly smiling.

"W-what ar-are you doing here? I thought you're not that interested coming to this kind of events?"

"Just looking around. yeah im not interested. But looks like i already came." Freen shrugged her shoulder and force herself to smile, feeling so regret out of sudden for her decision to come here.

"Its okay, you can go. I will just strolling at the beach for a second and then will going back home." Freen said as richie then smiling and nodding.

"Okay then. See you later." He wink and walking away makes she chuckle for a second and started to walk towards the beach with her hands holding the sandals that she wore. All peoples around her were in pair, smiling and talking romantically makes she sighing deeply.

When seeing couples like this, i wish i have one. Someone that can make my heart beating fastly, and felt the fireworks inside. I can't staying in a relationship that couldn't making me feels the firework. Isn't it right? Everyone is like that right? Someone that always staying by my side, telling the nice and good words, encouraging me, and giving their best to me. Its love right? A relationship that full with smiles and comforts.

And i wish it's rebecca. A dreams that i have towards rebecca is so big yet so high.

"Hey." A man's voices hearing onto her ears, making she slightly stepping to the side when walking along the beach alone. Freen slightly raise her eyebrows and could see a tall tan-skin man was smiling widely to her.

"Oh dont worry, i just want to approach you since you're alone. By the way im gulf. You're chankimha's daughter right?" He said, handed out his one hand as freen slowly accept and have a handshakes.

"yeah. Freen. Freen sarocha chankimha. H-how do you know me?" She ask, slowly walking again makes the man walking by her side with a little chuckled.

"My mom is your mom's friend. Your mom is such a good president in the woman's society club." He said with the compliment makes freen sweetly smiling and nodding her head in understand.

"I see. Uhm i... will tell my mom about it?" Freen said, looking onto him.

"About what?" He raise his eyebrows as freen chuckled and look away to the front again.

"About your compliment!"

"Ah i see..." They laughed again.

There, they have a small talk that somehow involving laughs and chuckles. Without knowing, there is someone that staring to her from afar, someone that doesnt really sure about her feelings but still feel those little sting poke into her heart.

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