Chapter 67

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  He just wanted to quickly build up the courtyard wall, out of sight and out of mind.

  "That's not possible. My old man went to the mountains to cut wood and carried it back piece by piece. You can't tear it down just as you say." Aunt Li hugged the fence tightly and cried to the sky, as if she was holding not wood, but It's like her old man.

  If Cheng Yeran hadn't seen her old man standing behind, he would have thought her old man was dead.

  "Your old man is not my old man. If you don't get out of the way, I will demolish your house as well." Cheng Yeran said and brought an ax over, ready to chop.

  Aunt Li was afraid that he might even cut her down, so she quickly wiped away her tears and said, "You can build the base against the fence if you insist."

  "Close to the base? Is there any difference? Do you care so much about those broken pieces of wood?" Cheng Yeran didn't understand what she meant. It was only after Shen Yuntang came over and said something in his ear that he understood, Aunt Li I wanted to occupy this area. This fence was originally built between their two families, and one family occupied half of the area. If it were built close to the fence, my family would lose an area, and Aunt Li's family would have an extra area.

  When they build the courtyard wall, Aunt Li's family can tear down the fence and occupy an extra piece of land.

  Cheng Yeran was speechless. He didn't let go of such a small area. It was really taking advantage of him.

  Although the place is small, Cheng Yeran is not going to give it up, "You are really good at taking advantage. Why do your family take advantage of everything? Do you think you are the king of heaven? I also said that the wooden boards you installed here are taking advantage of you." If you have stolen my land, I will burn it for you."

  "You are unreasonable! You are so unreasonable!" Aunt Li yelled, "If you dare to do this, I will hang you in front of your house, just like you forced Uncle Zhang to death."

  "Don't slander anyone. Uncle Zhang was pushed into the river by Widow Li, and he deserves it." Cheng Yeran thought he was recording a program at first, and said bad things about Uncle Zhang for the sake of the effect of the program. However, Uncle Zhang is not a good person. If he had If he didn't fight back, Shen Yuntang would be forced to death by Zhang Bo's rumors. Why should he feel guilty about treating bad people? He had never blamed himself for this incident.

  Cheng Yeran asked him: "You compare yourself to Uncle Zhang, is it possible that you will harm my family like Widow Li? Be careful, your family will also be destroyed."

  "You!" Aunt Li didn't expect his mouth to be so vicious, "You are the one who destroyed your family, and your parents were killed by you, the evil star of the sky!"

  "Okay, if I kill them, I will kill you. If you don't let me build this courtyard wall, then don't build it and tear it down. It will be easier to defeat your whole family." Cheng Yeran said and hit it with an axe. At that fence, Aunt Li's two sons rushed over to stop him.

  "You dare to scold my mother, you don't want to live anymore?" The two sons of the Li family are about the same height and build as Cheng Yeran. When they rushed up, they were confident that they could defeat Cheng Yeran.

  Cheng Yeran didn't want to kill anyone, so he threw the ax aside and knocked them down easily, "You haven't solved the problem of pulling out wheat from my house last time, and now it's delivered to my door? Okay, I'll solve it first. You two, let your mother feel how it feels to have a family broken up."

  Aunt Li's house did not close the courtyard door, and many villagers came to watch. Although they liked to watch the fun, they really came to start a fight when they saw someone fighting.

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