Chapter 105

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Now, except Axiang and his wife in the shop, they are outsiders, and everyone else is a relative. Although relatives are not necessarily safe, they always make him feel more at ease.

Cheng Yeran said that he would look for it first, and if he found the right one, he would let her come to his home. If he couldn't find it, he would tell her later.

In fact, they can buy people in this era. If they hold the deed of sale in their hands, they can be more loyal, but their current status is not suitable.

They just do some small business, and it costs seven or eight taels to buy one person. Although it is not expensive, they still have to pay him for work and manage his food, drink, and toilet expenses, so even some families who are richer than them They wouldn't buy people back, so it would be better to hire people or take on apprentices. If they bought them, it would be too eye-catching. Cheng Yeran didn't like this model either.

When Tu Gen heard that they wanted to find a cook, he hesitated for two days and asked Shen Yuntang, "Can you ask my sister to cook? She cooks well and works quickly. She is two years younger than me." "

He also has a younger brother who is four years younger, but this time he wants to be a cook. It is not suitable for a younger brother to come. If possible, he would really like to bring all his younger brothers and sisters.

"I'm two years younger than you, so isn't that why I'm only thirteen? Asking a thirteen-year-old to cook for our whole family? Let's forget it." Cheng Yeran vetoed it first. Don't become a Let them take care of the children.

Yuan Bao was about the same age when he first came to their home, but Yuan Bao was in a special situation. All his family members were dead. If he didn't come to their home to work and make money, he would have the only way to starve to death.

At that time, he did not ask Yuan Bao to do heavy work. He only asked him to sell goods and move his mouth. The heavy work was given to the fourth brother.

Now that Yuanbao is a little older, the fourth brother is rushing to do the heavy work. Yuanbao makes soap with the help of wild dogs, which makes it easier.

When Tu Gen heard Cheng Yeran say this, he didn't dare to mention it again.

He was already very grateful to Cheng Yeran for taking him in, but if he asked for too much, he was afraid of being driven away by Cheng Yeran. It's just that he came here to live a good life. Thinking of his younger brothers and sisters living a hard life at home, he felt uncomfortable and guilty. It would have been better if he had let his younger brother come over. He has suffered for so many years and is used to it, but his younger brothers and sisters Still so small...

However, he thought that with so many people coming to buy sausages every day, there would definitely be more people buying sausages in two years. Then there might be a shortage of manpower. He could recommend his younger brothers and sisters to Shen Yuntang. In two years, there would be no shortage of people. He might dislike his younger siblings for being too young.

Recently, Yuanbao is making a new soap according to Cheng Yeran's ideas, a pink peach blossom soap with a peach blossom-shaped pattern printed in the middle. Below the pattern is the name of the Xiangjie brand.

The other one is transparent, but the rose flowers are too big. Yuanbao said it would be better to make peach blossoms instead. The transparent soap is made into a round shape, with a peach blossom sealed inside.

It happened that the peach blossoms were in full bloom recently. He and Wild Dog went out to pick up a big bag of peach blossoms and came back. They picked out more than a hundred of the most beautiful flowers and made soap. The finished product is very beautiful, like a work of art. Five Ten cents a piece is cheap.

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