Chapter 80

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Rina noticed from their facial expressions and looks that the two of them had it in for her. Although Rina knew inside how important these people were to her, her thoughts, as well as her body, were directed to something else. On the task she had to do and which had seeped deep into her mind.

She was acting for every person in the world. She was acting for peace, as Madara had always planned. That she had been manipulated and that from the beginning, Rina did not notice through these thoughts. She was sure that everything she did was the right thing.

Braced for an attack, the Uchiha gripped the hilt of her katana, which she now pulled from her sword scabbard that had been hidden under her cloak. Her dark eyes watched every little movement her opponents made.

"Obito, I'll leave the juubi to you for a moment." , she spoke slightly commandingly to him, whose gaze had turned to her. "Don't let them talk you into anything." He said and watched as Rina jumped off the Juubi's head and turned his attention back to the alliance.

A short wind blew across the plain as Rina stood in front of the ninja. A wind that blew through her tied up hair and brought a little coolness to her skin.

And then it was time. After all three had briefly gathered themselves, they dashed at each other. Sasuke as well as Rina with the katana and Naruto with a golden claw.

Rina quickly drew the katana horizontally to bounce both attacks off it, a chirping sound being heard that sent the two young men reeling back.

"The lightning style!" exclaimed Sasuke in a moment, running again but with his sharingan towards the stranger. With the katana he dashed forward and heard them clash blades.

The masked man was probably very skilled at fighting with a katana. Good, Rina had nothing else to do in Amegakure than to train.

Again and again the katana clashed with each other as Naruto came from above with his Rasengan. Rina quickly dodged backwards and had to jump to the side again when Sasuke's katana almost caught her.

Without Sharingan, it wasn't exactly easy to dodge them. Especially since Sasuke could see their movements beforehand. Only Rina could not be dissuaded from applying her fire jutsu.

Her fingers formed a sequence that Sasuke knew too well. He moved his fingers as well, inhaling at the same moment as his counterpart.

"Fire style, flaming fireball jutsu!" came from both sides before the spheres met in the middle and sparked an explosion.

Dust swirled around, which briefly blocked Rina's vision, and her eyes snapped open as two fists hit her and hurled her back.

Several times the Uchiha hit the ground and left some marks. Briefly, her arms shook as she slowly picked herself back up.

Her head was lowered when she heard a cracking sound and watched as the mask fell from her face. Broken in half, it now lay at her feet. Their fists had hit the weak point of the mask. Likewise, her hair band was loosened by the impact, which is why her hair fell into her face.

A small grin came across her lips before she had activated her Mangekyou Sharingan and slowly raised her head, and another wind had now revealed her entire face to her counterpart.

Frozen in place, Naruto and Sasuke looked at the girl across from them as their bodies shook briefly. Sasuke's, for one, as he could see the mangekyou of her for the first time. On the other, Naruto's, as he recognized the pattern and could feel an incredible change in her chakra.

The friends were sure of one thing, however. Sasuke was now sure that Naruto had not lied to him about his feelings. Likewise, Naruto was sure that this girl had to be somewhere. And now they both knew where she had been.

"Rina..." came out of their mouths simultaneously.

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