Chapter 92

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Naruto immediately began to gather his chakra and raised his right arm to form a large Rasengan. To this he added the chakra of Kurama and immediately shot it at Rina, who had formed a red disc and the attack had bounced off it.

Already at the same moment, came from several sides some Naruto's, which had led different types of lawn goose. These had to be so much Rina just knew the Bijuu.

Her hand rose up and flung several gudodama sticks around which immediately formed into balls again. Her body floated slightly to the side as she did so.

"I can't get close enough!" shouted Naruto to the Uchiha, who was still busy with Madara at the moment. "Keep trying!" he shouted back, hurling a fire jutsu toward Madara.

"I'll help you!" came from Sakura who had come closer and activated her Hundred Strength. At the same moment, the Haruno ran forward towards them opponents before she had lashed out with her fist and rammed it into the ground in front of them.

A tremor occurred, which had triggered a cloud of smoke. Big enough so that Naruto would have to get to Rina without any problems. And Naruto took advantage of this opportunity. As fast as he could, he ran through the cloud of smoke and spotted the red Gudodama floating around.

Once again, Naruto gathered his chakra and hurled one of his own gudodama toward Rina. Her Sharingan caught the attack and protected itself again.

"Crap!" came from Naruto, gritting his teeth. "Try again.", came from Kurama who gave his chakra at disposal.

The yellow-gold chakra enveloped the Uzumaki even more before he tried to attack again. However, Rina activated her Susanoo, which had been given the color green. She needed the red chakra for the gudodama and could not do without it.

Despite this, Naruto ran towards Rina and lashed out with his fist. Rina didn't even have to protect herself with a gudodama because Susanoo had stopped her fist from hitting her.

For a moment, Rina was sure of her victory. But she didn't count on the chakra of the bijuu, which penetrated through her susanoo. Naruto had hit it on purpose to let the chakra flow to Rina.

Slightly confused, her red eyes looked into his yellowish ones, once again seeing the bright blue. An old feeling spread through her before Rina was flung out of the Susanoo.

The force of the bijuu had taken quite a toll on her. Her body crashed against the god tree, which at that moment had made a short sound. A sound which could be its destruction.

The fate of the Uchiha Naruto FFWhere stories live. Discover now