Chapter 85

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Stars shone around Rina who was facing Naruto. His appearance was as always. Orange clothes, a Konoha headband, dark ninja sandals. His eyes were as blue as the sea, which Rina herself had never really seen.

"What is this place?" she asked coldly, looking around. "You know damn well." , Naruto grinned. Yes, she knew. It was some kind of dimension she was in. Trapped in a moment she couldn't escape.

"I wanted to talk to you in private." , Naruto began to speak. "There's nothing I need to talk to you about."

Ignoring the sentence, Naruto grinned as usual. "Do you remember when we got into a team. Back then you were just like Sasuke and really strong!" he laughed, scratching his cheek lightly.

"I admired you and watched you. I wanted to be near you even when you pushed everyone away." , he admitted and stopped grinning. "But you were lonely, just like Sasuke and me. I know that feeling all too well. There's no making up for what Itachi did. But he wouldn't want you to support this plan of Madara's."

"Hn.", Rina only replied to which Naruto just kept talking. "Itachi was revived by the Edo Tensei. Before he left he said that he would leave Sasuke and you to me. Furthermore, he said that comrades are important and I should take care of them. And you are also one of them!"

"I do not belong to you, neither to your friends. I have finished with comrades and that many years ago. Your faces tell me something but I don't feel anything anymore. It doesn't matter what you try to say. You will not be able to change my mind. You may have talked to my brother, but that doesn't change my mind. All of you are indifferent to me."

"I don't believe you!" came promptly from Naruto. "If you didn't care about us, you wouldn't have put me in that genjutsu back then!"

"I don't know what you mean.", Rina spoke slightly confused. Her heart knew but her mind, her memories had forgotten. What was he talking about?

"I'm talking about the genjutsu I was Hokage in! You showed me that I would be able to do it! You believed in me and made me stronger because of it! Sasuke left the village and fought against me because there was no other way! It was destined, I know that now. But showed me something that I believe in to this day!"

Rina looked at the young man in front of her. Somehow something rang in her. "If you had wanted to push us away just like Sasuke, you could have acted differently. But thanks to you, I knew that I should keep living my dream! That I shouldn't let my goal out of my sight! I will bring not only Sasuke, but also you back home!", Naruto promised which had an effect in Rina.

Several memories flooded through her head, which is why she squeezed her eyes shut. How could she forget all that? And why could his words touch her so much?

"Why...?" the Uchiha breathed. "Why do you want to help me, even though I became and acted like this?" she asked the Uzumaki, whose lip had formed into a smile as he looked into her red eyes. "It's quite obvious. Because I love you!"

From then on, Rina was broken. Her eyes widened as her sharingan deactivated. Her lips quivered as tears leaked from her eyes.

Naruto loved her? About the same way she always had with him? How could she forget all these feelings? How could she forget what he had taught her about his dreams.

Her second chakra quieted down, which everyone on the battlefield noticed. Only, the god tree had long since finished growing and stood beside her in full glory.

Her dark eyes, from which she could barely see, looked at her two counterparts. Just as she was about to move her mouth, the Uchiha felt a pulling pain in her chest. A pulling which she had felt before and she had now been paralyzed.

"K..uro..Ze..tsu...", Rina breathed as the latter stood slightly behind her and thrust his hand into the left side of her chest.

A pain, which from Sasuke could feel very well at that moment and held his chest. It was the same feeling as it had been then. He had not lost the connection with her. Rina had simply disconnected it all these years. Now he also knew what could have happened back then.

"Rina...", he brought out of his throat when she couldn't move and the tears were running down her cheeks.

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