Chapter 87

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The dripping of water was heard as Naruto had moved to another place. The yellow light shimmered in the water which had clearly shown his reflection.

"Where am I...?" asked Naruto who had looked around a bit. That it looked similar with Sasuke, he did not know.

"You're here between life and death.", a slightly stern voice spoke, which was why Naruto had turned around and seen a hovering old man. "Are you the Grim Reaper!", Naruto immediately asked, pointing his finger at him.

"What...? Do I look anything like that?" the man asked back, somewhat ignorantly. "'re floating...", Naruto muttered to himself.

"I am Hagoromo Otsutsuki, also known as the Rekudo Sennin." , the man opined. "Ahh, I honestly thought you were some weird old geezer."

Blinking, Hagoromo looked at the boy. "Is that any way to talk these days?" he asked himself, trying a different, sterner tone. "Listen to me carefully now, old man."

"No, no, no, you sound really awful like that!" mewed Naruto at the elder, who had to pick a new speaking tone so he could understand him.

Briefly, the Otsutsuki cleared his throat before he began to speak. "Is that better?" he asked the boy, who nodded quickly. "Good, now listen carefully to what I have to say."

"I have been walking around for hundreds of years. Waiting for the reincarnations of my sons to show themselves." , Hagoromo began to explain as easily as possible. "Before I get to that, however, you must know how this story began."

Waiting to hear what the old man had to tell, Naruto waited patiently. Hagoromo began to tell him how he had lived. Along with his brother, who had sealed himself into the moon, along with his mother.

"The Juubi I split into nine parts. These figures are known to you as the nine bijuu." Hagoromo told, closing his eyes. "After years of traveling around to teach people the ninshu, the time also came that I must leave this task to my sons. But I made a mistake there."

Now Hagoromo told about the test which he had imposed on his sons and had finally decided for the younger son. "At that time I thought that Ashura could change this world. But I neglected my eldest son, Indra," he spoke sadly.

"And here comes another story, which concerns not only Sasuke and you."

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