Coronation Day

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Aster didn't remember much about his old life. But he still remembered the things he knew. Like how stuff worked, and why things were the way they were. The good part of his reincarnation is that he got a head start in life and a good family.

He was born to Moon and River Butterfly, the queen and king of the Butterfly Kingdom of Mewni, a dimension that was the embodiment of fantasy. Magic and monsters were a common thing here.

At first, he was very confused, convinced that it was all a dream he'd wake up from. It wasn't until he first filled his diaper that he realized it was real. It was 11 months of torture.

The only things he could do to help pass the time was stare at his surroundings, practice small movements, and slowly pick up on the language the people around him were speaking. By the time he was about a year old, he was able to start walking pretty normally and start to explore a bit.

The knights and nanny made it pretty hard for him to properly see everything. So the best he could do for a while was let them read him books and teach him whatever it is a baby prince needed to know.

It didn't take long after that for him to show he was a prodigy. His father managed to convince his mother to let him start training with the young squires so he could eventually become a knight, while his mother insisted he spend the rest of his time studying and becoming a true gentleman. After all, the Johansson family wasn't exactly known for their manners...

Both types of lessons were hard on his mind and body. But it was all worth it when he found out about the Butterfly Family Wand. It was the reason the Butterfly Kingdom was such a power house in this realm.

It's true origins were something he couldn't figure out, regardless of how far back he went into the history books. But even so, he was thrilled to know he'd be inheriting it on his 18th birthday.

There were problems with that though. Since the beginning, the Butterfly Family had been led by a Matriarch. So the idea of a patriarch was definitely something that the noble families didn't take too kindly.

His mother spent years trying to prove his worth, and finally managed to arrange everything needed for his grand coronation as Prince. It would be the event of the year, and it would have to be perfect. After all, the last Patriarch, Jushtin the Boy Queen, didn't exactly make the best mark on history. He was a notorious play boy until Queen Solaria took over.

He'd spent all day preparing for the Coronation. He had spent the last week choosing an outfit and was practicing his speech up until the last second, up until he entered the Throne Room.

As he entered, it's immediately all eyes on him.

The masses are filled with royals from other kingdoms and nobles. The front rows have members of the Johansson and Butterfly family, with his parents and the Magical High Commission at the very front.

His mother, Queen Moon, is in front of all of them. She wears a beautiful baby blue and white dress with her light blue hair put up, kept perfectly in place without a single stray hair. She always was quite the perfectionist...

His father was a renowned warrior in his hay day and still has his muscular build, which shows through his clothing, consisting mostly of deep blue and gold. He has a healthy blonde beard, the same one he used to tug on when he was a kid to get his attention.

As he reached the front of the Throne Room, he knelt in front of his mother. In her right hand, the royal wand. In her left, the Book of Spells. Both of which were invaluable items.

The ButterFly Family Wand was capable of performing any spell that the user could imagine.

The Book of Spells held the knowledge, spells, and advice of the past 13 queens, including Moon.

As he knelt, his mother began to speak.

"Aster Johansson Butterfly, do you hereby accept the responsibility and duty that comes with this power?"

She spoke loud and clearly for all to hear.

"I do."

"If you fail, and either of these items falls into the hands of evil, the universe could be destroyed. Do you understand?"

"I do."

"Then pledge yourself to this kingdom and its people, and claim your birthright."

He stood, and extended his hands, accepting both items. He then turned to face the crowd, his face firm and hiding any trace of anxiety

"I swear to protect the Wand, Book, and Kingdom with my life. I swear to defend the Wand, Book, and Kingdom from the forces of evil. And I swear to be a true, fair, and noble leader."

As he made the oath, the Wand bound itself to him and glowed. It's form began to change and grow, adapting to him. It became longer, more staff-like.

He then held the staff proudly as he puffed out his chest slightly

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He then held the staff proudly as he puffed out his chest slightly. Moon spoke again.

"I present to you the new Prince of Mewni, Aster Johansson Butterfly."

The guards in the room knelt and lowered their heads, while the nobles and Magical High Commission clapped. Though it was pretty clear that only about half of them seemed genuinely supportive or neutral. Which Aster would have to change if he wanted to secure the throne.


Moon and Aster were on one of the many balconies, enjoying a nice brunch together. Two royal guards and two maids stood nearby, guarding them and waiting for orders. These brunches were fairly common. Not only was it a nice way for them to bond, but it also ensured that Aster wouldn't forget his etiquette, even in a comfortable environment.

"I'm sure you're aware of the politics surrounding your coronation. As the first prince in a hundred years, the traditional noble faction will undoubtedly try to bring you down at any chance. You must prove your worth."

He nodded as he took a sip of tea.

"And how do we do that?"

She continued.

"First, we must prove you are a capable leader. Hence, starting tomorrow, I will be dispatching you on missions to prove your worth. Not only will this raise your reputation, but it could help improve our relations with other kingdoms."

'I guess it would be a good chance to practice my magic...'

He agreed.

"Very well. When do I start?"

He asked.

"Tomorrow morning. I'll have the first mission ready by tomorrow morning."

He nodded.

"Alright. Can I be excused? I want to start studying the Spell Book."

She nodded.

"May I, and yes, you may."

He pursed his lip but noted it down mentally and stood.

"Thank you for the food, mother."

He said before leaving to his room, one of the maids following close behind him.

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