Aster & the Pixie Queen

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(Marco POV)

He'd been mining for the last couple of hours. Alfonso and Ferguson were starting to lose hope.

"Come on, guys. He wouldn't just abandon us. We just have to hold out a bit longer." - M

Alfonso collapsed while mining and began to cough up Pixie Dust. A wizard and a buff guy with horns and the lower half of a goat came over.

"Looks like your friend has a bad case of Pixie Lung." - Goat

"Is there anything we can do?" - M

"Not that we know. If he doesn't get treated soon, his days will be numbered." - Wizard

Marco looked at Ferguson and got a determined look.

"No! We'll find a way out. There's gotta be something." - M

He looked around and noticed an old mineshaft not too far away. He then got an idea.

"Think you can start a riot?" - M

He asked Ferguson.

"Oh, yeah. I got this." - F

He said, ready to say some very huge lies as he walked over to a group of miners and began blabbering the most anger inciting stuff he could think of. This person lied about that person, that person stinks, that person wants the other dead, etc...

It only took a matter of seconds before a brawl began. The pixies guarding the old mineshaft as well as a majority of the other pixies went to stop the fighting as Marco, Ferguson, Alfonso, and Wizard jumped into the cart. Goat began to push it so they could get moving before jumping in himself.

'This is not how I pictured my day going!' - M

He said as he heard the pixies realize they were missing and start to chase after them, lashing their whips in their direction.
(Aster POV)

Aster was currently in the middle of being pampered by the Pixie Queen. Her servants were fanning him, bringing him food, attending to his every whim. It made him kind of uncomfortable.

"Wow, I've never seen someone with such beautiful skin..." - PQ

She said while dragging her hand across his arm, which he gently pulled away.

"Aha, yeah, very're very pretty." - A

He said, trying to give a normal compliment back. He hoped his friends were okay.
(Marco POV)

Everyone was screaming as the cart began to rapidly accelerate, and the pixies got closer. One of them managed to get close enough for him to whip Ferguson's cheek, causing him to bleed.

Marco quickly punched the pixie right in the face, causing him to fall into the abyss below. The other pixies didn't take long to start catching up.

"Look! An exit!" - Alfonso

He said, pointing to the light at the end of the tunnel. Marco and Goat began fighting off whatever Pixies came near until they reached the exit. Then they went running for their lives towards the castle.

"That's probably where Aster is! Hurry!" - M

He said while Goat picked up Wizard and carried him as they ran. A small army of pixies were now chasing them. Marco's karate and agility were insanely helpful as they fought their way through the corridors of the castle until they reached Aster, who was being pampered.

"Uhh...what the hell happened to you guys?" - A

He asked in total confusion as he saw them covered in dust, sweat, and blood.

"What the hell happened to you! Where were you?!" - M

"Well, I talked to their queen, and she only agreed to let you guys free after the wedding." - A

"What?!" - M

"Yeah, she's really into me..." - A

He said, looking embarrassed. The Pixie Queen giggled.

"He calls me Sugar Wings." - PQ

Aster looked ready to die of embarrassment.

"Okay, um, just get cleaned up. The wedding is in like an hour." - A

He said before being pulled away by the Pixie Queen and her servants. Marco and his group were taken by another group of servants to be cleaned up and dressed.

Within an hour and a half, the wedding was happening. Marco was sitting in the front row, wondering how he got here. Aster was at the alter, wondering how pixie divorces worked.

"Are you two ready to swear your undying love for each other?" - Priest Pixie

'Wouldn't say undying...' - A

He started to feel bad and made a choice to risk it all.

"Pixie Queen, I'm sorry. But I'm not ready for marriage. You deserve a man ready to devote himself to your kingdom, and I can't do that. I can't marry you." - A

She looked surprised before smiling gently.

"Guards, kill them all." - PQ

"Wait, what?" - A

They were promptly attacked by every guard in the room and another brawl broke out.

"Shit!" - A

He began to use his wand to blast the pixies into the wall, trapping them with ice.

"Heads up!" - A

He used a Raspberry Ribbon Lasso to tie up a bunch of guards and throw them towards his allies. The Wizard was able to blast them with a lightning spell.

Alfonso and Ferguson were running around and screaming, smacking whatever pixies they saw with any large object they could carry. Aster then began heading straight for the Pixie Queen.

When his path was blocked by a bunch of royal guards, he aimed his wand.

"Scabrosus!" - A

The pixie guards dropped their weapons and fell to the ground, scratching themselves all over. This left nothing between him and the Pixie Queen.

"Stay back!" - PQ

He aimed his wand right at her, which glowed with a red aura.

"You can either swear loyalty to me, or I'll take you prisoner right now, and you'll have to answer to my mother for attempted murder against a royal." - A

Her eyes widened. For one, if Aster was this strong, how strong was his mother? And if she was found guilty, then her kingdom would fall out of her control...

"Fine!" - PQ

Aster grabbed her hand. His cheeks glowed as a golden ribbon tied their hands together for a moment, sealing their deal with magic. Now, if she disobeyed his orders, she'd get a few electric shocks.

"Call off the guards." - A

The Pixie Queen glared but whistled loudly, which made everyone stop fighting for a moment.

"We've come to an understanding. The Pixie Queen has graciously decided to pardon us, as well as compensate us for our troubles. Right?" - A

'You little-!' - PQ

"Y-yes, of course..." - PQ

He didn't mention the fact that he was basically the new ruler of Pixtopia. He wanted the Pixie Queen to stay in power. He had control over her, and her people were loyal to her. If they knew the truth, there might be a rebellion.

After getting his 'compensation' from the queen, he and his friends went back home with a years worth of free Magic Mirror Service.

Alfonso and Ferguson were both mildly traumatized. But hey, atleast they'd be prepared in case anything like this happened again. He gave them both a tiny portion of the money to get them to keep quiet, as well as a nice chunk for Marco. Because why not?

When he returned to Mewni, he went to his room and laid on his bed. With Pixtopia under his control, he'd have a nice bit of influence...

And he began to wonder. What other kingdoms could he claim?

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