Meteora, the Forgotten Princess

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Miss Heinous was raised by St Olga herself. She was a cold and heartless robot mother. Any sign of joy or expression was met with scolding and punishment. So, she suppressed her individuality.

She would be the perfect daughter for Olga. In hopes that one day, just maybe, she'd finally be good enough.

That day would never come.

Even after acing every test, finishing every chore, doing everything perfectly. It was never enough. Nothing satisfied her.

So, she did what she thought she had to, for her own sanity. She attacked Olga while she was charging, turned her off, and threw her into a back room, never to be found until years later.

She took over Olga's role as Head Mistress. It was the only thing she could think to do now. It wasn't like she had a whole lot of career paths.

In many ways, she'd become Olga. She took her role, her attitude, and even her bitterness towards others. She was just as controlling and just as ruthless.

And in many ways, she surpassed Olga. She studied magic and alchemy, and built mechanical guards that would answer to her and her alone. The school would be her kingdom, the students her people, and the job would be her throne. She was the queen.

Atleast, she was. Until a certain trouble maker insisted an urprising. In a single day, she'd lost everything. Her home, her army, and her people.

The only thing she could think to do was to seek revenge, so she hired Rasticore. When he returned as just an arm, she felt...strange. She felt an oddly maternal urge kick in and began to take care for the regrowing arm like it was her own child.

And just as quickly as she'd lost everything, she gained it all back in a day. Yes, she had less power than before...but in many ways, things were better. Students no longer called her a warden and some actually sought her advice.

For once, she felt what it was like to be needed. To have a place where she belonged, where she was wanted. Where she had a home.

Rasticore had almost fully regrown his head, she found Gemini less annoying, and she had a comfortable bed to sleep in at night. Things were good.

So then why?

Why did she still feel like....

Something was missing.

She was happy here. And yet, she couldn't help but sometimes find herself wondering...where did she come from? Did she have a real mother out there? Did they not want her?...

And while having a cup of tea in her office, answers literally came knocking on her door.

"Come in." - Heinous

She said, and Aster came in.

"Hey, I wanted to to you." - A

He seemed nervous, which was...strange. He was usually very put together, usually with a stupid smile on his face.

"About?" - Heinous

She offered him some tea, which he politely refused. Instead of speaking, Aster put two dolls on the desk. One of a monster, one of a Mewman.

Heinous stared at these dolls, and she felt something inside her...remember.

Meteora's hands began to shake as she dropped the tea cup she was holding, not caring when it shattered on the ground. She picked the two dolls up.

"These...were my dolls...w-when I was a child...I had a room, my mother used to play with me..." - Meteora

She said, her eyes wide as she found herself being flooded with forgotten, or perhaps suppressed, memories. The clubs on her cheeks began to glow, confirming her identity to Aster.

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