The New Jackal - Part 2: Magic v Science

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While having breakfast at the Possible House, James read a newspaper about what happened.

"Wow, saving two hostages? Nice work, kids." - James

"Yeah, until they got away!" - K

"We'll get another chance." - C

"Maybe, but I won't get another chance at asking Josh to the dance." - K

"You're still stressing about that? Kim, the worst he could say is no." - C

"Really?" - K

"Yeah, I've been rejected before. It hurts, especially if you love them, but you get over it." - C

"Who's Josh? And don't Kim and Ron usually got together?" - James

"Josh is her new boy toy crush, and Kim wants an actual date this time." - C

He explained.

"Ooo, Kim's got a boyfriend!" - Jim & Tim

The twins started chanting it to tease their sister. Anne came in with some freshly made coffee.

"What's this about boyfriends?" - Anne

"Nothing!" - K

"Doesn't sound like nothing." - Anne

She said while sitting next to Kim.

"What's he like?" - Anne

"He's handsome, and funny, and perfect..." - K

She said dreamily.

"She barely knows him." - C

Kim glared at Caster.

"I know enough. He's smart and talented and sometimes even quiet and mysterious..." - K

Caster just sighed, knowing it was pointless to argue with a love sick teen.

"Kimmy, asking out a boy is a lot like getting into a cold pool. Take a breath, then take the plunge." - K

She reassured.

'She's a good mom.' - C

He thought to himself
At school...

As they entered Middleton High, Kim took a breath.

"Okay! Before this day is over, I am going to ask Josh to the dance!" - K

She declared, trying to hype herself up. Ron looked pretty disinterested in the whole situation.

"Yeah, yeah. Im just hoping one girl let's me take her, or I'm gonna have to go with Caster." - R

He said like it was the worst thing in the world.

"I'm right here, you know?" - C

"Speaking of, why don't you get a date? It's not like you have a problem getting admirers." - K

She said, thinking back to when girls used to show up at Bueno Nacho just to stare at Caster.

"Physically fourteen, mentally twenty one. Plus, not a whole lot of guys interested in me." - C

He shrugged.

"Well, good luck." - K

They all went their separate ways. Kim spent the day trying to work up the nerve to ask out Josh, Ron harassed every girl in school trying to get a date, and Caster had to repeatedly come up with nice ways to turn down girls. It was a very busy day.
The trio got a tip on Drakken's location and were in the Alps. Caster teleported this time. Kim and Ron were wearing coats while Caster just transformed.

"You're not cold?" - K

"Nope. Benefits of fur." - C

He said with a smile as he raced Kim and Ron down a snowy hill. He was flying, they were snow boarding. Kim ended up winning because she was more clever and used her snowboard to launch snow at Caster.

But anyway, they found Drakken's new lair. Caster carried them over the sensor beams surrounding the lair. He then punched the front door open, and his excited smile quickly turned into a frown as they found a small army of Drakken's guard waiting with Shego at the front.

"Now, that ain't fair at all." - C

"Sucks for you." - Shego

She said as she and the guards charged into battle against Kim and Caster, while Ron ran off. Kim took on Shego this time while Caster went on a rampage against the guards.

He was getting electrocuted every few seconds but he was pushing through the pain. He was wind blasting as many as he could, levitating their weapons away from them, or energy blasting them away.

It was very exhausting, considering how many he had to take down. Plus he had a few injuries. Kim came over to check on him after having knocked out Shego.

"You okay?" - K

"I'll live..." - C

He said, using Chi Healing on himself as they moved deeper into the lake and found Ron, again, captured and being held hostage by...a giant robot?

"Behold! My greatest creation!" - Drakken

He'd turned the factory equipment into a giant robot. He was operating it from the stomach.

"Fuck." - C

He said before the robot began to rapid fire energy bullets from its arms. Caster took the first few hits so Kim and Ron could get out of the way. He then flew up, keeping Drakken busy so Kim could come up with a plan.

He was mostly on the defensive, because he wanted to preserve the robot and take it for himself. His wind attacks barely did anything against its armor though, and it could produce nearly endless energy blasts to match him.

But he did have a few advantages. His strength allowed him to deliver a good punch or two to throw the robot off balance, and his smaller size in comparison to the robot allowed him to play cat and mouse more easily. But before the fight could get deadly, Kim had successfully helped Wade hack the robot.

"No, no, no!" - Drakken

He said, trying to use the controls. Caster grinned as he floated in front of the robot's stomach, where there was glass so Drakken could actually see what was happening.

"You haven't won yet!" - Drakken

He declared as he hit a button, causing him to get ejected out of the robot so he could escape. Caster considered going after him, but decided against it. Drakken was a very smart guy. And everytime he came up with an evil scheme, Caster only benefited.

He did check for Shego though, and it seemed like she'd escaped during the fight, which was disappointing. He wanted to offer her a job. But he settled for just the robot. He teleported the remnants of the factory to Tokyo and took the robot to Section Thirteen. He'd have Kepler and Jumba examine it later and make improvements.

As for Kim and Josh, she finally worked up the nerve to ask him out. And while she was nervous, it wasn't as bad as she expected. He actually accepted, and they had a great time.

Bonnie was jealous as hell. And Ron, while reluctant, had to spend the night dancing with Caster.

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