Infinite Power - Part 1: Book of Ages

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Aster and Lo Pei were practicing as usual. Lo Pei was creating some extra scrolls for himself, and Aster was doing research. He'd been studying Shendu and his siblings, as well as what they were capable of.

If they were ever released, Aster didn't want to be caught off guard. So he gathered every book Uncle had on them and began to read.

Shendu was the Dragon Demon of Fire, who was banished by Lo Pei using a sword.

Po Kong was the Giant Demon of Mountains, who was banished by Zhang Guo Lao with drums.

Xiao Fung was the Frog Demon of Wind, who was banished by Lü Dongbin with a fan.

Tchang Zu was the Warrior Demon of Thunder, who was banished by Cao Guojiu with castanets.

Tso Lan was the Space Demon of Gravity, who was banished by Han Xiangzi with a lotus.

Dai Gui was the Bull Demon of Earth, who was banished by Zhongli Quan with a flower.

Hsi Wu was the Bat Demon of Sky, who was banished by He Ziangu with a flute.

And finally, Bai Tza, the Serpent Demon of Water, who was banished by Li Tieguai with a gourd.

Each of them apparently ruled in their own ways, with their own armies. Shendu was once their leader, because of his armies of dragons. However, Aster was a little confused about something.

'Not in a single one of these books do they mention the ShadowKhan...where did they come from? They don't seem to be part of Shendu's original skill set...' - A

He began to look through the Chi Spell books for answers on potential ways that Shendu might've somehow created the ShadowKhan. But still, nothing. Though Aster did find a helpful cloning spell. Though using it would require extreme precision.

He'd have to make a potion and pour it in whatever he wanted to duplicate. But if he didn't get the finishing charm right, the item or person would duplicate infinitely until Aster's Chi ran out.

But other than that, he got a shrinking spell, size restoration spell to counter the shrinking spell, and an evil banishment spell that would be particularly effective against ShadowKhan and dark forces.

That was all he managed to study before Lo Pei suddenly gasped and looked startled.

"Woah, hey, what's going on?" - A

He put down the books to check on his mentor.

"The Book of Ages...Shendu is after it!" - LP

"Book of Ages? And how do you know?" - A

"The Book of Ages, it documents everything! Nothing happens that the book isn't aware of! And changing it can alter the fabric of reality." - LP

'So it's like the Royal Archives on steroids...' - A

"I could sense Shendu setting off the protection spells I placed around its entrance. If he gets to the book, all is lost!" - LP

He said with panic on his face and in his voice.

"I'll get it! Okay? I got the Pan'Ku Box before he did, so he must be desperate to risk using something that powerful." - A

Lo Pei nodded as he began to gather the scrolls he'd prepared.

"We must hurry." - LP

"I'll get the others." - A

He went to leave, but Lo Pei stopped him.

"There is no time!" - LP

Aster looked at Lo Pei and then at the door before sighing.

"Fine." - A

He said as he opened a portal. He got as close as he could to the Book of Ages, which was...a few mountains away. It seemed Lo Pei and the other Eight Immortals had put a lot of effort into protecting the place.

Aster summoned his cloud and Lo Pei used a levitation scroll, and the two quickly began to fly to the location. After an hour, they reached a cave and saw Valmont, still possessed by Shendu, changing something and causing a blue portal to open up for him. He turned and saw Lo Pei and Aster, and grinned.

"You're too late!" - Shendu/Valmont

He said as he entered the portal, which closed a few seconds before Aster and Lo Pei could reach it.

"Shit! What do we do?" - A

He said, panicking a little.

"I'll hold open the portal for you. You stop Shendu." - LP

"You aren't coming?" - A

He asked in confusion.

"Someone has to open the portal for you from this side." - LP

Aster looked a little worried, but that changed into a bit of pride that Lo Pei trusted him this much. He nodded and Lo Pei began the chant.

Aster watched as the blue portal opened up again, and Aster immediately jumped in.


Aster arrived in some kind of white void, with the only structure around him being a large, crumbling temple with fragments floating around. Aster didn't have time to theorize about where exactly he was, and immediately began to look around for Shendu/Valmont.

He found them standing in front of a giant book, writing something. He turned to see Aster, who was ready to blast him to pieces.

"Ah ah Ah, not so fast, little one. You attack me and I finish the sentence, and reality bends to my will." - Shendu/Valmont

He warned, earning a glare from Aster who lowered his wand.

"Good boy. I'll have to admit, you've been a thorn in my collected all the talismans, have revived the one who imprisoned me, wield strange magic not of this world, and have prevented me from bringing back my brothers and sisters. I should kill you where you stand..." - Shendu/Valmont

He said as Aster looked a little nervous.

"Then why don't you?" - A

"Because...I realized just how useful you are. Always one step ahead of me. You, little one, are a resource! And I want that power by my side when I rule." - Shendu/Valmont

He offered as he began to circle Aster, still holding the pen in his hands.

"You think I'd ever serve an overgrown lizard?" - A

Shendu/Valmont laughed.

"Maybe not...but I can offer you something you can't refuse..." - Shendu/Valmont

He guided Aster up to the Book of Ages.

"I'll give you power beyond your wildest dreams...all you need to do is surrender that wand of yours, and swear loyalty to me." - Shendu/Valmont

He said, standing behind Aster as he put the pen in Aster's hands. Aster stared at it.

'I have infinite power...I can fix everything on Mewni...I could make everything better...' - A

He clenched his fist around the pen as he brought it up to the Book of Ages. Shendu grinned.

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