Eclipsa, The Queen of Darkness

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Aster was peacefully drinking tea after leaving Glossaryck to Ivory and Emerald. Ever since his revival, Glossaryck had been...different.

For one, his intelligence was seemingly reduced to that of a dog. He had no response to things he should recognize aside from pudding, which was the only thing he ate. And he only ever said 'Globgor'.

Aster was writing in his journal, which was a documentation of everything he'd studied and learned. It ranged from Pixtopia to Shendu. He was currently writing a chapter on the Magic Sanctuary and the different effects that resurrection can cause.

But the entire time he was writing, he could hear his maids screaming outside in the hallway as Glossaryck went on a rampage while chasing a squirrel. Aster sighed as he finished up the chapter and left his bedroom to chase after him.

He figured this was the perfect chance to apply the Chi technique that Lo Pei had taught him. Chi Enhancement. By focusing his chi into specific parts of his body, he could strengthen it. He had just learned the technique, so he needed practice anyway.

He gathered up his Chi in his legs, boosting his speed as he chased Glossaryck through the halls of the palace. Speaking of, Butterfly Castle was still under repairs. It even had several upgrades thanks to Aster bringing over some architecture books.

Aster ended up jumping out of a window to catch Glossaryck, only to crash into a rose bush in a garden. He groaned as he rubbed his nose and got up.

"Sorry, sorry, I'll fix it..." - A

He said as he looked up and saw the caretaker for these rose bushes. Queen Eclipsa. She was holding onto Glossaryck.

"Oh, don't worry about it. They're just flowers." - Eclipsa

She gently tapped the crystal on Glossaryck's head, causing it to glow and calm him down. He looked ready for a nap.

"That was pretty effective..." - A

A long time ago, he might've attacked her on sight. But now...well, he wanted to talk to her first. She didn't seem evil...

"Yes. Well, we should all slow down sometimes to appreciate a good head scratch, or the smell of a freshly bloomed rose..." - Eclipsa

She said while gesturing to the rose garden around them.

"Or the taste of a delicious candy bar." - Eclipsa

She said while taking a bite out of her twentieth candy bar.

"I might have some self control issues." - Eclipsa

"What exactly are you doing here?" - A

"I'm just enjoying the garden. Oh! Have you ever been to the Rose Tower? The view of the garden is absolutely divine!" - Eclipsa

"Nope. My mom says it's forbidden." - A

"Is that the only thing stopping you?" - Eclipsa

Aster paused. The stories he'd been told about the monsters were wrong. The things he'd been told about Eclipsa's forbidden chapter were wrong...what could be so dangerous about a Rose Tower?

But before he could even accept her offer, the doors to the garden exploded as the Magical High Commission and Moon arrived.

"Step away from her, Aster!" - Moon

She ordered as Omni enlarged himself to grab Eclipsa and pin her to a wall. A small army of royal guards surrounded the garden and aimed their spears at her. Moon kneeled down to check on Aster.

"Are you okay? She didn't hurt you?" - Moon

"No, of course not. We were just taking." - A

"That's Eclipsa!" - Moon

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