Androids - Part 1: Rebirth

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The pixies were a race admired for various things. They were most prominently known for their creation and monopoly over Magic Mirrors. The magic equivalent of a 'cell phone'.

But they also possessed other traits. Such as their access to Magic Shard Mines, which could allow one to tune into dimensional frequencies and have their mirrors the ability to make calls from across hundreds of dimensions.

On top of that, they were also magically blessed. They were capable of performing the most basic of magic spells. A protection spell, attack spell, and one random spell that was unique to each pixie.

This could come in the form of cleaning spells, illusion spells, or animation spells. Their magic made them a force to be reckoned with, though it wasn't as strong as the Butterfly Family's magic.

And despite this, the Pixie Queen chose to aid the Butterfly Prince with a new project. Rebuilding the guards of St Olga's and repurposing them.

While production of magical technology was definitely something they were used to, they specialized in magical communication rather than weaponry. But the Pixie Queen insisted it be done. And so the work began.

With the blueprints they were provided, they were able to assemble most of the necessary parts. It took a couple of weeks to get the right amount of fluids as well as managing work distribution.

But once that was settled, they were able to get started on the first prototypes. It began with the standard foot soldier model. It was the most common design, as well as the only design that came from St Olga's and not designed by Prince Butterfly.

The foot soldiers were built to pack quite a bit of strength, as well as working best in groups because they were meant to be disposable. But they were also meant to last and be durable, so they couldn't be destroyed by someone weak.

Miss Heinous might've been insane, but she wasn't pure evil. If anyone targeted the school, she'd need the guards to be able to buy time for an emergency evacuation. She had a reputation to uphold, after all. Or atleast, she did...

The newly designed foot soldiers included thin but durable plates of armor under their clothing in vital areas, especially around their cores. Their strength and intelligence was also meant to be raised.

The first prototypes were, for now, straight up copies of the St Olga's guards. They needed to be able to copy the originals before moving on to the new versions.

They had...issues, with these. The robots would sometimes randomly attack, and the pixies would end up having to shut them down almost immediately. Or the robot would be completely unresponsive to their orders.

It wasn't until they began to change the codes of the prototypes to be less aggressive that they began to make progress. That's when the behavioral tests could begin.

It started with the most simplistic of problem solving, which took a while to get through. This was followed with new, more difficult tests.

These tests ranged from sorting to testing how they reacted to different sounds and situations. The androids would almost never react unless directly attacked.

This was something they were working on as they began to produce the next couple of prototypes for the new model of soldiers. They were more heavily guarded than the original soldiers since these new ones were meant to be even stronger.

These soldiers responded more quickly to the behavioral tests. With that out of the way, they could move on to the next type of testing. Combat.

The guards would be connected to data crystals containing information on how to use specific weapons, and then instructed to use that weapon. A majority of the guards took a bit of time to get used to their weapons, but adapted not long after.

A small problem with the androids was that each of them had the same fighting style that came with their weapon. So if you knew how to beat one of them, you knew how to beat most of them. But that's why they had the androids learning how to use different types of weapons.

And it's not like these androids needed to be extraordinary. That's what the other androids were for...

Speaking of, now that the first few prototypes were confirmed as a success, they were able to start producing/training them in larger units and feeding them whatever they needed to know via data crystals.

After that, they were able to begin working on the prototypes for the other four types of androids that Prince Butterfly had designed.

The Raven Androids.

These androids were harder to make because they were designed with more sophisticated, and smaller, parts. Their primary purpose were three things. Fly, observe, record.

They had to be small and also strong enough to be able to fly just as well as a bird, while also being discussed well enough to not stand out too much.

Then came the intelligence of the bird, who would have to be able to tell the difference between criminal and civilian behavior. They couldn't have the birds stalking a random farmer, after all. These birds would need to act as the eyes and ears for the Prince.

That's where the recording function comes in. The birds would each have to be able to record both the audio and visuals of whatever it sees, and then have it uploaded to data crystals at a later time. These were more complex since the birds would need to be able to hold hours, possibly days of recordings within their small bodies...

The Wolf Androids

These androids were centered around speed and offense. Should a criminal manage to escape from the standard guards, these androids designed to resemble wolves would pursue them.

There were problems with it though. Such as the fact wolves may not be accepted by civilians so easily. Not to mention that while the wolves may be able to keep chasing a criminal, they might not be able to properly communicate.

The offensive and evasive capabilities of the android wolves would be based around their retractable claws and increased agility. It wasn't much in a large scale fight, but that's not what they were built for.

The Tank Androids.

Each tank unit took two weeks to build and train. They were large 10 feet tall robots covered with armor. They weren't very fast. But they could take a hit, and hit back just as hard. They would act as a way to properly defend against major threats such as war, or giants.

Their defensive capabilities were the main feature, since they needed to be able to protect anyone in danger.

The Queen Android

This android would act as a leader for the androids. A manager. While it would be capable of offense, it's main purpose would be strategy and control.

Obviously this also meant that while The Queen would be incredibly useful, it would also be incredibly dangerous. Which is why it's code was repeatedly reinforced with loyalty programs.

The Queen's AI was also raised to be higher than the other androids, so she'd be capable of learning and evolving. Apparently Prince Butterfly was wary of this feature, but believed he could handle it as long as he had a 'back up plan.'

Regardless, The Queen's creation took several months. She was designed to look the most Mewman out of all the androids, so she could blend in more easily. As well as being fitted with some of superior parts, such as a built in mini-mirror and data crystals so she could directly connect to other androids.

With The Queen online, it seemed they were finally ready for distribution.

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