Tohru's Destiny - Part 1: Dark Chi Warrior

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Jade was groaning on the floor of the antique shop, whining about being hungry.

"You could have some of Uncle's mung beans." - Uncle

He offered, to which she politely declined.

"Ughh, Tohru went to get dinner forever ago!" - J

"I'm sure he's fine. Probably just getting all that extra stuff you asked for." - A

Jade rolled her eyes.

"I'm a growing girl with powers. I need all the energy I can get." - J

She insisted. Tohru eventually returned with the food...and three monks.

Jade, Jackie, and Aster were more than happy to eat comfortably while Tohru and Uncle welcomed the monks and served them tea.

"So, what brings you here?" - A

He asked. He was tempted to use his telepathy to figure it out himself, but that seemed unnecessarily invasive.

"We are monks of the Ben Shui Order, and have come in search of The Chosen One."

Said one of the monks.

"I see...and the Chosen One is...?" - A

"Why, him of course!"

Said the monks as they kneeled in front of Tohru, who was just peacefully eating his noodles.

"He can't be your chosen one, he's our Tohru!" - JC

"And he is still your Tohru! The Chosen One has lived a thousand lives. This is just the latest incarnation of his Chi."

Explained the monk.

"So that's why Tohru is so big! It's all that extra Chi!" - J

"Why did you not tell me you were a leader of holy men?" - Uncle

He asked, to which Tohru answered sheepishly.

"I did not know..." - Tohru

'His Chi is higher than normal, but not enough to be considered extraordinary...' - A

Jackie began trying to mentally communicate with Aster.

'What should we do?' - JC

'...let's see where this goes.' - A

He said as the monks insisted that they go to their temple, where the High Mystic could awaken his Chi.

"But we haven't even finished dinner!" - J

"As long as his Chi remains dormant, he will be targeted by dark forces, and could be destroyed."

The monk explained, making Tohru look worried.

"Don't worry, he can defend himself." - A

"No, no. The Chosen One is a warrior of peace. His champions fight for him!"

Said the monk. Tohru looked uncomfortable with that, since he wasn't exactly the type to just let others fight for him. He wanted to fight alongside them.

"That's...okay..." - A

"I'm sure you will all serve the Chosen One well!"

Said the monk. The group then took a portal to the temple of the Ben Shui. Once there, the monks began to insist that Aster and the others pamper Tohru. Carrying him, feeding him their food, giving him their beds, etc.

But while everyone was comfortably trying to sleep in the 'Chosen One's Bed Chambers', Aster and Uncle both woke up, sensing the presence of dark Chi. One of the walls got destroyed as some kind of red goblin man thing came in, holding a glowing staff. Everyone quickly woke up and realized what was happening.

"A dark Chi Warrior! They are here for the Chosen One!"

Warned one of the monks.

"Chi Master Fong warned me about these dark entities! They are empowered by the magic of a Dark Chi Wizard." - Uncle

He said as the dark Chi Warrior charged at them. Jade, Aster, and Jackie didn't hesitate to fight back. It's attacks were strong, but their combined power easily broke the dark Chi Warrior's weapon...except he managed to repair it instantly and summon it back to his hand, as well as instantly regenerate from their attacks.

"Okay...let's try a new strategy. Go for the kill." - A

"What?!" - JC

"It regenerates, and it's obviously not a person anymore. We'd be putting it out of its misery." - A

He justified. While the two Chans were unsure, they agreed. The Dark Chi Warrior was definitely not fighting with their safety in mind.

Aster created a magic whip to latch onto the Dark Chi Warrior's arm, while Jade charged in, claws at the ready and Jackie flying into the air to prepare an attack, and was hit in the chin by the Warrior's bo staff to make her expose her stomach. The Warrior then kicked her stomach, sending her flying away.

The Warrior grabbed hold of the whip before using Dark Chi Enhancement to suddenly pull Aster in and grabbing his face. He then slammed Aster into the ground before throwing him at Jackie's energy blast, causing it to explode before it could reach him and send Aster crashing into the floor.

'...ow.' - A

He internally groaned. Jade was starting to get back up, but was bleeding a bit from her mouth. Her super human durability could only shield her from so much damage.

Jackie began to focus all his energy into short but quick energy blasts at the Warrior, who began to move as quickly as a ShadowKhan and even managed to deflect a few of the attacks right back at Jackie, causing him to start to lose focus and steadily fall closer to the ground, giving the warrior the chance to jump and smash Jackie into a pillar.

Jade and Aster were both back up already, but the Dark Chi Warrior didn't seem interested in fighting anymore. So when they went in for another attack, he simply vanished into blue smoke before any of their attacks could hit.

"Ew, it smells like old farts." - J

She commented in disgust when she ran through it.

"Why did it suddenly retreat? It was winning..." - A

"Maybe it wasn't here to fight, but to gather information..." - Uncle

He speculated while using some Chi Healing on Aster, Jackie, and Jade, courtesy of Lo Pei.

Once he was feeling well enough, Jackie flew off to check the area for any other Dark Chi Warriors while the monks ensured Tohru was safe.

Jade was frustrated and complaining for the rest of the night that she didn't land a single good hit. But Aster was more curious about the enemy they fought. If dark Chi Warriors could be created, then so could Light Chi warriors...right?...

'Let's put that on the shelf for now...' - A

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