The Mystic Monkey - Part 1: Creepy Cousin Larry

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The trio had finished climbing up the side of a cliff to rescue a baby eagle with a broken leg at the request of a ranger. She was very grateful, but when they were done, Kim got a call from her dad.

"What's up, dad?" - K

"It's family game night. And we're missing two players." - James

He said sternly.

"Oh! That was today? I totally blanked. Sorry, Mr. P." - C

"Yeah, tell Cousin Larry we're really sorry." - K

Cousin Larry was Kim's cousin on her father's side. He was a lot like Ron, if you removed any sense of humor and joy and left nothing but the nerd.

"Will do. But he's going to be very disappointed." - James

He said before hanging up. Both Kim and Caster let out a sigh of relief. Caster had only met Larry once and could barely stand to be in the same room as him for five minutes. He meant well, but boy could he ramble.

"Let me guess. Loser cousin?" - Ranger

She said while holding the baby eagle.

"Yup." - K

"Wait, as in THAT cousin Larry? You've been complaining about him since, like, forever. He can't be that bad." - R

"Oh, boy..." - C

He said before putting in ear plugs. He knew where this was going. Kim began to go on a whole rant about everything wrong with Cousin Larry. She and Larry both rambled. Ron spent the rest of the day, as well the following morning, listening to stories about Larry starting from when they first met when she was three.

"He doesn't sound so bad. We play a lot of the same games." - R

He said. They were now at school.

"Yeah, except you don't go on and on about the lore." - C

He said as he turned around and paused when he saw Wade standing there.

"Hey, Caster." - Wade

" I hallucinating?" - C

He tried to poke Wade and it went right through him.

"Nope. It's a hologram." - W

"Almost fooled me." - R

"The technology is incredible! I can literally be in two places at once!" - W

"Not really..." - C

He said while looking around for the source of the hologram.

"Still a couple of bugs to work out though." - W

He said before the hologram vanished and Kim's locker computer turned on so Wade could continue talking.

"Anyways, we got a job request from a guy called Lord Monty Fisk." - W

"The archeologist?" - C & K

"You guys know him?" - W

"I heard about him on the Discovery Channel." - K

"I'm best buds with a very famous archeologist. So I know a lot of other archeologists. You'd be surprised how many are secretly evil or have magical items." - C

"Speaking of, he's discovered the location of a rare artifact. He needs help getting it though." - W

"We'll do it!" - C

He said immediately. He wanted to rub it in Jackie's face.
Today's transportation was from a Colonel that Kim helped. They eventually landed in the beautiful wilderness of Cambodia and reached the destination, and found what looked like an ancient monkey temple.

"A monkey temple!" - K

She said in surprise. Kim had her hair tied up for one. While Ron was...being Ron.

'Wonder if it's connected to the monkey talisman in any way.' - C

He wondered to himself.

"So where's the client supposed to meet us?" - C

"Right here, apparently." - K

Right on cue, a pair of guys approached them. One was an English fellow and his short butler.

"Greetings. Kim Possible and her comrades, I presume. I'm Lord Monty Fisk. This is my valet, Bates." - Monty

'...I'm getting major deja vu.' - C

He said, thinking back to when he worked with Mr. Smith and his butler to find the Muntabs. Except Mr. Smith turned out to be a greedy asshole.

'Hm...I'll keep an eye on these two.' - C

He thought to himself in slight suspicion. He had no proof either of them meant any harm. But still. Better safe than sorry.

"Is your friend alright? He seems rather troubled." - Bates

He said, noticing how shaky Ron was. Ron had a massive fear of monkeys, so being around the temple was giving him flashbacks to Camp Wanna-Weep.

"Don't worry. He's just like that. Camp trauma." - C

The group headed towards the temple once Ron calm down a bit.

"I've got a bad feeling about that guy. What kind of person willingly goes into a monkey temple?"'- R

"One, not everyone has a fear of monkeys. Two, i dont like him either, but for different reasons." - C

"Don't be ridiculous you two. Lord Monty Fisk is a world famous explorer and highly respected scholar. He's not some super villain." - K

"He's rich, mysterious, and is seeking artifacts. That's enough reason for me to be suspicious." - C

Kim rolled her eyes, knowing she couldn't change their minds. Once they reached the temple's main entrance, Monty Fisk pulled out a map.

"According to the map, the Jade Statue is here." - Monty

"What's the statue of?" - R

"A monkey." - Monty

Ron shuttered a bit.

"Why do you want the statue?" - C

He questioned.

"Well, legends say that placing the statue in precise alignment with three others will generate a mystical monkey power. Utter nonsense, of course." - Monty

"Yeah, this seems like a lot of trouble for nonsense though..." - C

Caster knew better than to doubt legends like that. There were ancient magic relics all over the world. These monkey statues could be one of them. And if they did generate some kind of magic, Caster wasn't sure what Monty would want it for...

Kim entered the temple first and fell into a trap. Ron immediately panicked but Caster wasn't worried.

"Why aren't you trying to help?!" - R

"She's protected by fate. She won't die. Atleast not here." - C

Caster knew that Eternity never would've told Aster about Kim if she was destined to die so quickly. Plus, Kim was a very skilled escape artist. She could handle it.

Ron didn't seem to be comforted by his words though. The group waited for her to return, with Ron having a full blown panic attack the entire time.

She eventually got spit back out of the temple through a hidden passageway, and was carrying the jade monkey statue.

"Kim! What happened?" - R

He asked as he hugged her and checked to see if she was hurt, which she wasn't. Caster could sense magic coming from the statue and knew for sure that those legends were true.

'I could take it now, but then I wouldn't know where the other ones are. I'm sure Monty does though...' - C

"It was no big, just a bunch of old death traps." - K

She said as the two guys helped her stand.

"Delightful! I shall see to it that the National museum celebrates your heroic efforts." - Monty

He said while taking the jade statue, which shimmered with a green glow.

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