Adventures in Space-Time - Part 1

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Aster was trying to meditate in Jackie's dojo in Section Thirteen while Jackie and Jade argued. Jade was begging Jackie for permission to take the Rabbit Talisman to school, which she already had in her hands.

"Pleaaase Jackie! I need this!" - Jade

"Nope." - JC

"Nobody believes me about the talismans! But they'd have to if I showed them proof!" - Jade

Aster sighed, unable to focus because of their discussion.

"Stop seeking validation in your classmates. If you know it's real, then their opinions don't matter. Let them be idiots." - A

"And besides, a talismán isn't a toy! It could put your entire class in danger." - JC

He said as he took the talisman away.

"Come on! Didn't either of you wanna be popular?" - Jade

She tried to justify it.

"Yes, I did. And it made me a fool. The only thing I got was this scar." - JC

She showed her a small scar on his arm.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Focus on your training, Jade. And you can become a fully fledged Section Thirteen agent someday." - A

"Hmph." - J

She said as Jackie left to go talk to Black. Aster returned to his meditation as Jade left the room a moment after Jackie did.

'She totally stole the talisman.' - A

He said as he let out a disappointed sigh.

'She's a kid. It's better she make mistakes now, and learn from them for when she's older...' - A

He said before starting to worry about whether or not it was even responsible to let her bring the talisman to school with her. He finally got up and began to chase after her.

'Nope. Can't let her put people in danger.' - A

He said as he tried to find her only to realize she'd already left for school. He sighed as he opened a portal to Uncle's shop as a shortcut before jogging to the school, hopping to make it in time.

When he arrived, he checked with the office and strangely enough, Jade never checked into school. So Aster returned to Section Thirteen just in time to hear Uncle screaming at Jackie over the phone about Jade missing school.

The two began to ask around the base if anyone had seen her. And while visiting Kepler, one of the scientists, they nearly got hit by some kind of green laser.

"Dude, put a warning sign! And don't point that at the door!" - A

"Sorry. Jade nearly got hit by it too, so it's probably for the best." - Kepler

He said while moving the machine to face a different direction.

"It's a safety hazard! It should've even be in here." - JC

"It's not a hazard. If anyone got hit by me ChronoTon Beam, they'd show up on this scanner-...and reveal a trail of particles...leading out of the lab..." - Kepler

He said as the scanner indeed confirmed that Jade had been hit. Or atleast some part of her. Aster sighed as he began to interrogate Kepler about what exactly the machine did. Apparently it was designed to allow Section Thirteen to time travel, but it didn't work since it didn't have the necessary power and speed to open a portal to the past.

"...fuck." - A

He sighed.

"What?" - JC

"Jade took the Rabbit Talisman. And now she can travel through time if she goes fast enough." - A

"No, she wouldn't!" - JC

"You're telling me Jade wouldn't use the talisman to get to school faster?" - A

"...we need to find her!" - JC

He said as he began running. While Kepler helped them track the energy signal, Jackie noticed his scar had literally faded instantly.

"My scar! It's gone." - JC

"Jade must've met your past self and stopped it from happening...when did you get the scar?" - A

"Oh, it was my first day at school. I was about Jade's age, so...1976?" - JC

"Then we know where she is." - A

"Don't you mean when she is?" - Kepler

He laughed, to which Jackie or Aster just stared. Kepler cleared his throat and focused on tracking the signal, which brought them to a street only a block from Jade's school.

At the spot was a glowing green crack in space-time, which greatly concerned Aster. Omnitraxus Prime would probably be paying him a visit soon...

Omnitraxus Prime was different from Father Time, which he'd met when he used SkyWin's time repetition spell to perfect his android design.

Father Time was the cosmic force that kept the river of time flowing. While Omnitraxus Prime managed various rivers for various timelines and realities.

So, should a branch in that river, such as what they were about to, was created, he'd step in to make sure it didn't lead into some kind of catastrophe.

But as long as they ensured that this whole time travel problem got fixed, Omnitraxus Prime would have no reason to snitch to Moon about this.

"This should be impossible, my particles couldn't make a portal like this unless Jade was somehow moving at superhuman speeds! But regardless, this is definitely a tear in the Space-Time Continuum." - Kepler

He said while examining the portal. Aster could try to stabilize it with the newly improved dimensional scissors, but he wasn't sure how they'd react to each other.

"How do we get to her?" - A

"It's a one way trip. Go in and you're stuck forever." - Kepler

"Hm...maybe not." - A

He said as he used magic to connect his scissors with the portal, and hoped for the best. The scissors glowed a vibrant green light as the portal slowly opened up to reveal a hole straight into the 1976 version of the street.

Aster was very curious about this effect. He'd just combined Hekapoo's power over space/dimensions with a temporal rift. Could this be applied to other sources of magic? If he embedded the Rooster Talisman into the scissors, could he project portals ahead of him without having to cut through space?

Regardless, experimentation would have to wait.

"Alright, me and Jackie are going in. Kepler, call Black and have him send a team here. Nobody goes in or out aside from us. Okay?" - A

Kepler nodded as he and Jackie stepped in.

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