Side Story: Androids - Gen 2

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Caster was in the Lab with Jumba, Kepler, Eve, and Ivy. The four of them were looking over the data they'd gathered from reverse engineering the Bebes, Drakken's mecha, and the plasma blasters that Gantu and Stitch used. Jumba, after reviewing the data, went to look at the mecha itself.

"Not bad. Who made it?" - Jumba

He asked, connecting what was like his version of a computer into the mecha to get a more in detail report of what the mecha was capable of.

"A human scientist. He's a lot like you. Before you, Y'know, switched sides." - A

"Would like to meet him...can I try to pilot it?" - Jumba

He asked.

"Uhh...probably not? But I'll let you take it for a test drive if you upgrade it with these improvements." - A

He gave Jumba a magic mirror that had been changed to operate like an iPad. It was showing the various improvements Aster wanted added to the mecha.

They included adding flight capabilities, switching its energy bullets into pure plasma, and reinforcing the glass so that the pilot would be protected.

"What do you think? Can it be done?" - A

" possible. Will take time." - Jumba

"Not a problem. Feel free to ask for whatever you need." - A

He said before leaving to check on the others. Kepler and Ivy were putting the Bebes back together. Eve was rewriting their programming

"How's it going here?" - A

"Not as well as we'd hoped." - Kepler

One of the Bebe's arms suddenly stretched out when they were trying to fix it.

"That keeps happening..." - Ivy

"Okay...well, im sure you can fix it. Eve?" - A

"The reprogramming is going well. But these 'Bebes'...they're like me. They're almost alive. I can help them become more aware." - Eve

"Just as long as they're not our enemies, I'm fine with that. And, to reward you for all your hard work, I wanted to give them to you. They'll be like your sisters. Mewni needs better protection anyway. We can't have another Ludo situation." - A

"...sisters..." - Eve

She mumbled to herself. She liked the idea. She already felt a connection to these three robots because of how advanced their AI was. This would just solidify it. And it would give her a little family of her own.

"...are you sure?" - Eve

Aster nodded.

"Yup. They're your responsibility now. And you get to name them." - A

Eve nodded as she walked up to the deactivates Bebes.

"...Alpha, Beta, and Charlie." - Eve

She said, naming each of them as she finished reprogramming them to be loyal. To her. The three robots turned on, startling Ivy and Kepler as they kneeled to Eve. Eve turned to Aster.

"I'd like to name them 'Valkyries'." - Eve

"Then that's what they'll be." - A

Eve turned back to her three new sisters.

"Rise, my Valkyries." - Eve

Alpha, Beta, and Charlie stood up, ready to serve their queen.
The mecha still had unfinished upgrades, so Aster couldn't select a pilot just yet. But the Valkyries were ready to go. The only thing they really added after their deactivation was plasma blasters in their palms.

Once Eve put them to work, crime in the capital of the Butterfly Kingdom disappeared practically over night.

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