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"Aaand, done." - A

He said, smiling as he finished repairing the last wall in the Snake Temple. Aster had encountered lots of ancient temples and structures over the years. He figured he might as well be repurposed as little bases. So he fixed them up and placed a Mirage barrier over them.

He'd have liked to add some modern technology into the bases too, but setting it all up would take about a year. So he settled for just taking whatever remaining gold or treasures the temples had. His phone buzzed as he got a call from Jackie.

"What's up?" - A

"There'a a situation at the San Fransokyo Museum." - JC

"If I remember, you and the J-Team were supposed to do a whole event there." - A

"Yes, the museum was going to display a new exhibit based on us. But it was stolen-" - JC

"Jackie, you're an adult and have powers. San Fransokyo is your territory and you have a team. You'll figure it out. If there's an emergency, you can call me." - A

"Wait-!" - JC

Aster hung up and sighed.

"Tough love is hard." - A

He opened up a portal to the Ox temple next to get to work on that.
A few hours later, Aster received a distress signal from Jackie and sighed. He got their location and opened a portal to them, and immediately paused.

They were in some kind of underground fortress, and...well, he didn't know how to explain it, but...there were two teams of his friends. One on the left without an Aster, and one on the right with an Aster.

"...explain." - A

"Magic clones. Chang teamed up with a dark Chi wizard." - J

She explained while eyeing her clone.

"Huh...alright, not the craziest thing I've ever seen." - A

He said while standing with his team. He could tell it was his team because they radiated more magic. It seemed the clones only had some of their powers.

The Aster clone could only cast spells and had mind powers, but didn't have any talisman powers.

The Viper clone had all of the original's stealth abilities but not her origami powers.

The Jade clone had her cat powers, but not her misfortune power.

The Jackie clone had his martial arts, but not his armor.

The Toro and Paco clones were equally matched with the originals since neither possessed any powers.

And the Tohru clone could use the same light Chi magic as the original.

"Alright, everyone, go find Chang and his accomplices. I'll handle the clones." - A

"Can you handle all of them?" - Viper

"Yeah, don't worry. Portals are very handy." - A

The J-Team accepted his orders and ran off to find him, while the C-Team (clones) came charging at him, with the clone Aster firing off multiple lightning blasts at Aster.

Rather than fight them himself, he opened up a portal to Castle Avarius' basement, allowing Ludo's pet Eagle and Spider, as well as the Snake Guardian, to come through and start rampaging amount the clones.

Everytime he saw one of the clones either get knocked out or be defeated, he opened up a portal to a prison cell and trapped them there. But the Aster clone was a tough cookie.

Like Aster, he had access to an array of spells and could make his own spells. However, his magic reserves were smaller than the original's, since the clone was far younger than him and only came into existence recently.

But to help compensate for that, he had Aster's memories. He knew how to fight like Aster, and was able to take down both Spider and Eagle. The Snake Guardian was giving him trouble though, since he couldn't open portals.

Aster was curious though. Could this clone eventually unlock his own butterfly form with time? He'd have to look into the cloning magic the dark Chi Wizard had used for answers.

Speaking of, Doalon Wong had given him a spell that allowed for the creation of a new body for a willing spirit, allowing for resurrection. But the requirements to complete the spell were very hard to meet, even for him. So he couldn't exactly go around resurrecting people willy-nilly.

But it was a very useful trump card, in case he ever needed to bring back some villain's loved one in exchange for them surrendering.

Anyways, the Aster clone had almost beaten the Snake Guardian, so he had to repeatedly smash his head into a wall using super speed and super strength to knock him out before throwing him into a portal, putting an end to the fight.

The J-Team successfully captured Chang's dark Chi Wizard accomplice, but not Chang himself. He was as slippery as an eel, it seemed.
As for the fate of the clones, Uncle was a big help in that. Apparently the clones were good, just like them. But the Wizard had added an extra spell to make them evil and obedient. One spell from Uncle countered it and restored them to their good aligned nature.

But that still left Aster with an extra clone of himself and six clones of his friends. And since they weren't really guilty of any crimes, Aster didn't feel right with destroying them. So, instead, he made them official heroes. They got along great with the originals, so they blended in quite nicely. He just had to give them new names.

Cade the White Cat (Jade), Ox (Toro), Takashi (Tohru), Jayce (Jackie), Cobra (Viper), Carlos (Paco), and Baxter (Aster).

Life for the clones wasn't exactly sunshine and rainbows though. They had all the memories of the original, but two people couldn't share the same life. Cade and Jade could occasionally rotate between who gets to see their parents in Hong Kong, but Cade would never really get to live with them full time unless they came clean about everything and Jade's parents were willing to adopt a clone of their daughter.

Section Thirteen and Global Justice were very helpful in getting them set up with their own identities though. Such as passports and social security numbers. Still, Aster ensured they got therapy to help them process their...existence.

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