The First Quest

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The next morning, he woke up and yawned. He felt a bit sore from sleeping in a bad position. He waved his wand, casting the bed making spell from his mom's chapter.

He then spent about an hour getting ready and getting dressed. He finally went to the dining hall to half breakfast with his parents. As usual, the table was filled with luxurious meals. He sat down at the seat across from his mother and father.

"Good morning."

He said in greeting as he put a napkin on his lap. A maid put a plate of food in front of him.

"Good morning. I'm sure you're eager for the mission. So I'll get to it."

Moon said as she handed over a folder. Aster accepted it and began to look through it. It detailed the various farming related problems of the kingdom. Famines were very common, and the magic of the wand was always their immediate solution.

However, Aster could see that this wasn't sustainable in the long term. He'd read SkyWin's chapter. She was the first queen to try and feed her people with magic. It was exhausting and the spell had to be performed almost daily. As a result, they grew to be plump, fat, and useless.

It was only after SkyWin stopped making them food that they finally began to grow crops. Well...a crop. Corn, which has become the most dominant crop in all of Mewni. He'd have to change that. He finished reading the report.

"Alright, I'll try my best."

He promised. Moon nodded.

"I'd expect nothing less. Be careful."

She said as Aster, eager to complete the mission, left breakfast early to pack a bag and head to a carriage. It took him outside the castle walls, through the surrounding capital, and beyond the moat.

It was a few hours before he (and maid + the two royal guards assigned to him) arrived at the cornfields. They were huge fields, with large amounts of farmers working tirelessly, even on the fields with nothing growing on them. A man with a straw hat and overalls came over.

"I'm Billy, I manage these fields. How can we help ya?"

He asked with a bit of a southern drawl, extending his hand to Aster for a handshake, which he accepted.

"I'm Aster, I'm here to inspect the fields."

"Oh! Great. This way."

He said as he brought him over to one of the barren fields.

"This one's just died out recently. Nothing grows here anymore."

Billy said while scratching his head. Aster's immediate instinct would be to use magic to solve this. But he couldn't do that, since it was still nothing more than a temporary solution. He'd need to figure out why it was like this.

He knew Earth had faced similar problems on Earth in the early days, but science had solved that. So maybe if he went to a library on Earth...

"I might know where to find the answer. If you'll excuse me."

He returned to the carriage and pulled out a compact magic mirror.

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