King of the ShadowKhan - Part 2: Nine Shadow Clans

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Aster arrived in the Bayou, and could sense strange magic in the area. He flew around before eventually finding its source, a small shack. He approached the door and was about to knock until a woman opened it.

"Ive been waiting." - ???

Said a woman with dark green eyes and curly dark brown hair. She wore a violet and red dress, golden bracelets, violet stones as earrings, a necklace made of dark brown beads and a green headband. Aster looked confused as she went back into her shack, leaving the door open.

He followed her inside, where she had already prepared some tea and had the mask on a table.

"I'm-" - A

"After the mask. I know." - ???

"" - A

He asked curiously, mentally comparing her to-

"I'm not like Mohajah. I speak to the stars rather than your mind." - ???

She sipped her tea before extending her hand to him.

"Miss Kimber." - Kimber

Aster shook her hand.

"I'd introduce myself, but...I don't think that's necessary." - A

He said, looking at her with fascination. The two talked for what felt like hours after that.

Aster asked all kinds of questions about whether or not he had free will if she knew what he'd say, to which she stated that she could only see the most likely outcome, but some people could surprise her. And to Aster's disappointment, it seemed he couldn't learn this ability.

As for who she was, she was a talk show host who told people their futures for money. She had a gift, and she needed money. So why not put her power to work?

Of course, she knew Aster would see that as an opportunity to recruit her. So she had prepared a contract.

Aster would have to provide her with money for as long as he used her services, though it would have to be enough to fund her life style for the month, and a penthouse on HEROES Island. Plus various smaller perks. Such as being able to continue her show, and being allowed to offer her services to anyone she feels needs it.

In exchange, she'd used her gifts to help him. To prove her sincerity, she'd collected the mask of Mosugurin's. And to seal the deal, she offered him a deal he couldn't refuse.

She knew how Shendu used the mask.

And while it did hurt his wallet, he was able to afford it. So he signed the contract and opened a portal for her, allowing her to move into her new penthouse.
Aster was in the magic research room, with two masks now in his possessions. Mosugurin's mask could apparently summon MiniKhan. A small but fearsome clan.

According to Miss Kimber, they could eat shadows to grow to the size of skyscrapers.

As for the secret to using the masks, he had to form a link with the masks and channel their power rather than wearing them.

The process was harder than it seemed, since it was a light chi wizard using dark chi. But eventually he succeeded after some trial and error, and summoned one NinjaKhan and one MiniKhan.

He looked at the two before smiling, thinking of all the things he could now do.
As each team returned, Aster formed links with the masks before storing them away.

Rairakku's mask would go into The Sanctuary on Mewni.

Mosugurin's mask would go into Section Thirteen's vault.

Kiiro's Mask (Bat Khan) would go into the United Heroez' custody.

Midori's Mask (Sumo Khan) would go to the Lucitor Family in the Underworld.

Ikazuki's Mask (Samurai Khan) would go to to the Lotus Temple.

Orenji's Mask (Squid Khan) would go to the Snake Temple.

Kuro's Mask (Crab Khan) would go to Song Si Manor.

And finally, Aka's Mask (Mantis Khan) would go to Rhombulus' crystal dimension.

Anyone living with or guarding the masks was warned repeatedly to not put them on and to lock them up/hide them. And if they were dumb enough to not listen or do it by accident, he also left them with the recipe and materials needed to remove the masks.

As for the ShadowKhan themselves, he studied them all carefully and extensively.

For example, all ShadowKhan shared certain traits. Such as being able to travel through shadows, being weak to Light Chi, and being obedient to whoever summoned them as long as there wasn't anyone else trying to control them.

The NinjaKhan was the clan he was most familiar with. They were the most agile, with a variety of ninja based weapons.

The MiniKhan were little thumb sized shadows with two little legs until they ate shadows, in which case they grew teeth and more legs as they grew.

The RazorKhan, who had incredibly sharp claws and were the fastest runners among the ShadowKhan. Their claws could tear through pure steel in a few hits.

The BatKhan, who had sharp (not equal to the RazorKhan) claws on their hands and feet, as well as bat like wings on their backs. They were the only flying ShadowKhan, and had some of the best mobility.

The SumoKhan, with each one being several feet taller than Tohru. They were massive and like huge walls of muscle. They had the best defense of the ShadowKhan.

The Samurai Khan, the only ones with armor. They all used samurai swords and were incredibly skilled, to the point Aster kept a few around to help anyone who wanted anyone that wanted sword training, on both HEROES Island and Mewni. Their swordsmanship was the best of the ShadowKhan.

The SquidKhan, who resembled humans if they had tentacles instead of limbs. Their limbs could easily stretch and coil around whatever they needed to grab, regardless of whether it was an object or opponent.

The CrabKhan were tall and muscular, but with the claws of crabs rather than hands. It was peculiar, but they had almost unrivaled cutting power.

The Mantis Khan. They were the most alien of the ShadowKhan. Physically, anyway. They had four insect like legs with an elongated torso and two mantis like arms. They were the only ones who could rival the CrabKhan's cutting power. The crabs could cut more in short times, while the mantis could deal significant damage with a few seconds between each attack.

With all of them now at Aster's service, and Tarakudo still sleeping somewhere in the Shadow Realm, Aster now had another army.

For just a moment, Aster considered himself the strongest being on the planet. But that idea was quickly crushed as he humbled himself.

There is always a bigger fish out there. And Aster's story was just starting.

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