Green is the New Black - Part 2: Birth of the Naco

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The trio were at Bueno Nacho, with Caster eating some cheesy fries while Kim tried to persuade Ron to apply for the job too, so they could all be co workers.

"Come on, Ron. You practically live here anyway." - K

She pleaded.

"I dunno, KP. You don't work where you eat." - R

He said while experimenting with his nachos and taco.

"Are you in on this too?" - R

He asked Caster.

"Nope. Im staying out of it. I'll apply, but for my own reasons." - C

Ron nodded. Caster briefly looked at Ron and then watched in horror as Ron combined his taco with his nachos.

"...what are you doing?" - K

"Behold! The naco!" - R

"I think 'gross beyond reason' is more suitable.' - K

Caster nodded in agreement. He watched in morbid curiosity as Ron ate the whole thing. One of the Beuno Nacho employees came over to their booth.

"Hi, I'm Ned. I'm the store manager. I heard you wanted to apply?" - Ned

Asked a nerdy looking guy in a uniform.

"Hola, amigo!" - K

She said as she handed in two applications, and Caster gave a third whole also giving Kim a judgmental stare for the unnecessary spanish.

"Alright, when can you three start?" - Ned

"Three?" - R & C

The two looked at Kim, who looked away sheepishly while Ron glared.

"Kim..." - R

He said in a warning tone. She finally looked at them.

"Okay! I might've filled out a resume for Ron. I just figured it'd be more fun for all of us to work together! Y'know, like a team?" - K

She said, trying to appeal to Caster's desire for better teamwork.

" working at a fast food place?" - C

He said, not buying it.

"Pleaaase? It's only for two weeks!" - K

She gave puppy dog eyes and pouted when they tried to refuse.

"Nope. No way. Not happening." - C
Caster, Ron, and Kim were now all working at Bueno Nacho. Ned gave all three their uniforms and aprons.

"Bueno Nacho SOP." - Ned

He saiid while handing them over.

"Standard operating procedures! Learn them, know them, live them!" - Ned

'This guy is way too dedicated to this company.' - C

The next few days were spent with the trio learning the art of food prep. Ron was a star prodigy, while Kim was...failing, to say the least. She was good at fighting and cheerleading. Not shaping taco meat into an ancient Mayan temple with hot sauce as lava.

Caster's competitive spirit compelled him to work hard to reach Ron's level, though he kept falling behind. Ron was just too much of a genius at cooking.

"I admit defeat..." - C

He said in shame while kneeling in front of Ron, who'd managed to create a triple grande size naco burrito in half the time it took for Caster to make one.
The trio had graduated from training and were now ready for assignments.

"Ron, you'll lead food preparations. Caster, you'll take orders." - Ned

He said, giving out orders like some kind of military instructor. He passed Caster and Ron, and then stood in front of Kim.

"Possible, you're on cheese duty. Even you can handle something that simple." - Ned

He explained while giving her a medium sized box of tortilla chips. Cheese duty meant she'd sit in the back, push a button to pour melted cheese on some chips, and then give it to Ron so he could add anything else.

"Think you can handle that?" - Ned

"Mission possible..." - K

She said dejectedly at her lack of skill in all of this. She stood by the cheese machine while Caster stood at the front of the store. Every business needs a pretty face, apparently. Ron was managing the ingredients and pre-making food.

Caster was trying to not let the fact that like ten girls came in per day just to see him, ask if he was single, and then run away giggling when he said yes. It was annoying, and flattering.

While Kim and Ron's arguing was just annoying. Apparently Kim got her pay docked by an hour for answering the Communicator instead of working. And she was jealous of Ron for constantly being praised by Ned.

Though even Caster was getting a little concerned when Ron ended up being promoted and replacing Ned. Ron was smart enough to go let the power get to his head, but the power dynamics between him and Kim were thrown way off balance.

Kim, since they were kids, was always taking the lead. Now, Ron was the one in charge. And he took his job very seriously. When Kim got a tip about Drakken's next target, Caster didn't hesitate to put the job on hold and let Ned take over for a bit while they handled it. Kim went to grab Ron, who was making four burritos.

"Come on, Ron. Drakken's in Wisconsin." - K

"What? But our shifts aren't over yet." - R

"People are in danger, Ron. I think people can wait for their burrito." - C

"Yeah. Drakken's in the dairy state with a giant laser drill! Look, you don't have to come. But we want you to." - K

"No, what you want is for me to be your sidekick again! That's what this is really about. You can't handle the fact I finally have some power and am better than you at something for once! You can't share the spotlight! Just admit it!" - R

"What?! How can you even say that! You wouldn't even have this job if I didn't fill out that application for you!" - K

"Guys..." - C

"We could argue all day, but you have some floors to mop." - R

He ordered while pointing to the mop in the corner.

"Guys." - C

"Mop it yourself, boss!" - K

"Guys!" - C

"What?!" - R & K

He finally got their attention.

"Kim, you've got to learn to be happy for Ron's success. He's happy here, and his skills are appreciated. He's more than just your friend! He's a person who can choose what he wants to do on his own." - C

He said to Kim before looking at Ron.

"I understand if you want to stay here. But me and Kim are gonna go. We'll still be your friends. Regardless. But Bueno Nacho will still be here when we come back. Wisconsin might not be." - C

Kim and Ron both looked down, reflecting. Caster and Kim eventually left, leaving their uniforms behind. They'd quit, leaving Ron as the only one still working there.

Ron picked up their uniforms, and felt guilty. Where does he go from here? He doesn't want to have to pick between his career and his friends...

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