Side Story: Monsters & Mewmans

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Aster politely knocked on the door to his mother's study.

"Come in." - Moon

She said, and Aster came in and closed the door behind him.

"What did you need, dear? Because if it's another request to increase your construction budget, it's going to to have to disappoint you, that laboratory you're building is already taking up more money than I believe it's worth." - Moon

"Number one, that place is going to make us triple what it cost to build it. Number two, that's not why I'm here." - A

"Then why are you here?" - Moon

"I just wanted to talk about...the way we treat monsters. I think it's unfair. Not to mention a little weird..." - A

"Weird, how?" - Moon

"I mean...we don't treat Rhombulus like a monster even though he is one." - A

He said bluntly.

"No, no, he's not a monster. He's on the Magical High Commission!" - Moon

"His status doesn't change the fact that he's just like monsters. And let's not forget the Pony Kingdom. They're sentient horses with horns and magic. Not exactly Mewman!" - A

"We've known the Ponies for generations." - Moon

"So they're different because you know them? What about Richard Pigeon? His whole kingdom is made of sentient pigeons with human legs!" - A

"He may be new blood, but he's rich." - Moon

"Irrelevant! What about the Lucitors? They're demons. Which brings me to my next point, Lekhmet! If he's not a monster, what was he?" - A

"Too soon, Aster." - Moon

"Then give me a straight answer!" - A

"Enough! I don't make the rules!" - Moon

"Yes, you do! You're the queen! You lead our people, you had the wand! You had every opportunity to change how we treat monsters, and make things better! But you didn't! You sat back in your throne and let the monsters suffer while you attended balls!" - A

Moon stood up, both of them getting riled up.

"Do you think it's easy to be the queen?! Everybody looks to me to solve every problem! Every political dispute! It hasn't exactly been easy to keep the peace after you nearly caused a war with the Lucitors!" - Moon

"How long are you going to hold that against me?! I was a teenager! I still am! The way we treat monsters is a problem, one you and every other queen has ignored! I'm the only one who gives a shit!" - A

"Language!" - Moon

"Fuck language!! How many people have we lost to unnecessary wars?! Wars we could've prevented if we just pulled our heads out of our asses and treated them like the people they are! If we did that, grandma might still be alive!!" - A

He shouted in the heat of the moment before realizing what he just said.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't..." - A

"Leave." - Moon

She said as he turned away from him, clearly hurt by his words. Aster didn't feel apologetic for what he said, just how he said it. So he quietly turned and left the room, leaving behind nothing but a book on MewniPendence Day.

Moon began to quietly tear up as he looked out the window, and down at the people below. All happy and peaceful...

But when she looked past it, she could see a pair of children playing a game about slaying monsters. Monsters they'd never met...

Moon thought about Buff Frog, and her complicated feelings towards him.

Did she wish him dead? No, of course not.

What about his children? Absolutely not.

Then what makes him different?

Moon realized that the only difference between the monsters and Buff Frog was...she'd talked to him. Gotten to know him.

He wasn't a monster...he was a father. A good one at that...

Would another monster have welcomed her into their home during her time of need? Of course not!

But not because they were savages, but because she was a stranger.

But...if they weren't what she'd thought they were all her life, then...well, for one, it meant her ancestors might not be the heroes she'd been told about, but rather they were the real monsters...

Moon turned around and picked up the MewniPendence day book and opened it up. Inside, she saw the same story she'd grown up with all her life.

Except now...rather than being a reminder of her glorious ancestry, it only filled her with doubt...

She started to see her family's history for what it really was.

War mongers.

How could monsters compete with a Mewman army that had magic on their side?...

And then it hit her.

They can't...

They were defenseless against their...their invasion...

How many children like Katrina had lost their homes to the Mewmans? many had lost their parents?...

Ever since Toffee killed her mother, she'd had a powerful distrust and anger towards all monsters...

If that's how monsters felt about Mewmans, then it would explain all the hostility...

Moon looked at the door. Was she ready to open them? To not just allow Aster back in...but to accept the possibility that everything she'd been told was wrong? That she was just like the monsters she'd hated for so long?

Her mother sought peace with them...and it almost worked, until she was killed...


Her mother was right to want peace...

Reincarnated in Star Vs The Forces of EvilWhere stories live. Discover now