Jackie Chan - Part 2: Section 13

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When Jackie woke up, he was in the back of a van. Aster was already awake and sitting in the back.

"He's waking up." - Black

Jackie got a good look at the bald man and pulled him into a hug.

"Augustus Black! What are you doing here? Actually...what am I doing here?" - JC

"It's official business." - Black

"Seriously? I don't hear from you for six years, and then you're suddenly here?" - JC

"And he knocked us out. Some kind of knock out gas." - A

"..." - JC

Jackie was pissed, to say the least. So was Aster, but not as much. He didn't know Black personally. The minute the van stopped, Jackie got out and walked to a telephone booth.

"I thought we were friends!" - JC

"We are." - Black

"Friends don't knock each other out. Atleast, mot without good reason." - A

"Exactly. This location must remain secret." - Black

"What's so important about an old alleyway?" - A

"Yeah, it must be some very special garbage for you to do this! See you in another six years!" - JC

He stepped into the phone booth, probably to call Uncle. But then the phone booth turned into an elevator and went very deep down into an elevator shaft.

"...so, are you guys like the Men in Black?" - A

He asked curiously. He wasn't super concerned about Jackie's safety. He figured that Black wouldn't hurt him.

"Something like that." - Black

Black, Aster, and Black's men took the stairs. It took them about twenty minutes to reach the bottom and enter a huge elaborate base.

"Follow me." - Black

He said once they found Jackie, looking very dizzy. Aster used a quick healing spell. Black took them to the main room where all manner of government agents were working away. Some were on computers, others were transporting stuff.

"Welcome to Section Thirteen." - Black

"Wow..." - A

He said as he leaned against the guard rails and looked down below at everything.

"I thought you were with interpol?" - JC

"That was a cover." - Black

"So you're a spy?" - JC

"No. I'm part of an elite special force. We've brought you here because you found an artifact in Bavaria, and you are an anomaly." - Black

He said the first part to Jackie and the second to Aster.

"Consider me a tourist." - A

He shrugged, to which Black nodded

"Why does everyone know about the shield? You are the second one to ask me about the shield." - JC

"As I feared..." - Black

He brought them over to a computer and began pulling up files.

"Section 13 was created to investigate large scale international crimes. Crimes that can often be traced back to one crime syndicate. The Dark Hand. One of the oldest and most influential organizations in the world." - Black

He showed them files and records of their crimes.

"So that's how they got that tech...but why wouldn't they send stronger minions if this shield is so important?" - A

"Maybe because they don't want us to know just how valuable it really is. But we do know this. Their leader is Valmont." - Black

He pulled up a picture of a British man with white hair that was tied in a pony tail, had golden ear rings, and had a green suit with a black under shit and a yellow tie.

'I wonder who's smarter. Valmont or Toffee?' - A

He thought.

"We've recently learned that the Dark Hand has developed an interest in ancient artifacts. We aren't sure why. But Section Thirteen could use you both. A magic user and an archeologist would be perfect for this." - Black

"You barely know me." - A

"You helped Jackie. You didn't know him either." - Black

"It was the right thing to do." - A

"Then clearly we share the same morals." - Black

"I'm just an amateur archeologist. How could I help?" - JC

"I've seen your fighting skills. You're strong. Don't doubt yourself so much." - A

"Indeed. And I trust you to get the job done." - Black

He said to Jackie who looked unsure but nodded.

"This job will only be part time. You'll both primarily be on the Research and Artifact Recovery teams." - Black

Aster felt a bit eager to go on a mission. He wanted to see if Earth really did have magic, and how it compared to his. But before he could say anything, he got cut off as the little girl from the shop came driving right past them on a motorcycle.

"Who's that?!" - Black

"Jade!" - JC

"You know her?" - A

"That's my niece!" - JC

Jade turned back and grabbed Jackie, pulling him onto the bike. Aster raised his wand.

"Erectus barrie." - A

A purple barrier appeared in front of the bike, stopping it before they could get any further away.

"Latin?" - Black

"Yup." - A

He said as they walked over to Jackie and Jade.

"How did you get in here?" - Black

"Hmph. The stairs." - Jade

"Where did you even get the bike?! You could've been hurt!" - JC

"I snuck it out of the garage. I knew I needed to help you escape!" - Jade

"These are my friends!" - JC

"Your friends knocked you out and took you to a super secret underground base?" - Jade

"Yes." - JC

"America is so cool!" - Jade

Jackie sighed as he pulled her aside to try and lecture her.

"Hm...she's got potential." - A

"What do you mean?" - Black

"She snuck in here undetected and almost perfectly used a motorcycle on her first try. And on top of that, she was fearless the whole time." - A

"But she was also reckless, and put herself and Jackie in danger without knowing the whole situation." - Black

"That's why I said potential. She's still a kid. She'll get smarter. And if she gets the right balance between maturity and bravery, you could have a special agent on your hands." - A

"Hm...a little early to talk about recruitment. But I see your point." - Black

He said as they watched Jackie lecture Jade. He told her that courage without wisdom was foolishness, which Aster fully agreed with. He probably should've had more wisdom when he bought Marco that QuestBuy Gift Card...

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