Torhu's Destiny - Part 2: Battle of the Ben Shui Temple

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The following morning was spent with Tohru meeting all his new 'followers', who worshipped him like the second coming of Jesus. Tohru was visibly uncomfortable with all of it.

"Look, this is great and all, but I don't think Tohru wants to be the Chosen One." - A

"You don't have to want to be the Chosen One, you simply are!"

Said the monk.

"Then maybe you guys chose wrong. Tohru is our friend, a good son, and a true warrior. He's the type of guy to make you tea when your having a bad day, take Uncle's verbal abuse without a complaint, and play along with Jade's games because he cares about her. None of that makes him the Chosen One. It makes him a good person. He gets to choose his own destiny." - A

Tohru smiled, feeling proud to call Aster his friend. Tohru enjoyed being of service to them. It was how he expressed his love. The monks looked unsure of themselves now.

"Enough! The High Mystic will solve all of this. If Tohru is the Chosen One, we will know soon."

He said. Aster nodded and they all went to the High Mystic's temple. Aster placed a few anti-evil protection spells over it, just in case.

The High Mystic revealed that the only way to prove if he was or was not the Chosen One was to perform the Chi awakening spell. If nothing happened, it wasn't him and they'd keep searching.

They had Tohru lay on a table of gold and began the ceremony. But while it was going on, three Dark Chi Warriors and their master, Doalon Wong.

He was an old man with dark symbols drawn on his skin. He had long white hair, black and blue robes, and a staff with a red gemstone.

"Such primitive magic..." - DW

He said while dragging his hand across the barrier that protected the High Mystic's temple. Aster and his friends, minus Tohru, went to meet him.

"Seems strong enough to keep you out." - A

"Hmph, for now..." - DA

He noticed Uncle and seemed to recognize him.

"Ah, Master Fong's protege...a pleasure to see you again. Such a shame I had to kill your teacher...such a waste of talent." - DW

Uncle's eyes widened as he realized this was the man who'd killed his teacher. He then glared.

"Lower the barrier. Uncle will take out the garbage himself!" - Uncle

He said as his hands glowed with Light Chi. Aster thought about it before reluctantly doing so. Uncle deserved his change at revenge, and besides, it was a four v four match.

Doalon Wong and Uncle got into a Chi sorcerer battle, countering and altering each other's spells as they fought through the temple, sending blasts of fire and ice towards each other.

Jade took on the dark Chi Warrior with a large ninja star. When he threw it at her, which she dodged, only for the star to suddenly go flying back to its owner's hand and nearly cutting her.

"Annoying..." - J

She said as she leaped at the dark Chi Warrior, claws are the ready.

Jackie was flying around outside the temple, blasting energy at a dark Chi Warrior with a large hammer. He expertly used his hammer to redirect the energy blasts away from himself or right back at Jackie, who had to carefully fly around to dodge.

He eventually stopped blasting and went diving right at the dark Chi warrior, his fist colliding with its hammer and causing a small shockwave.

Aster was fighting the same dark Chi Warrior they'd fought earlier, who had a bo staff. Except he was exclusively fighting with Light Chi. To challenge himself.

He was already using Chi Enhancement to keep up with the Dark Chi Warrior's superior body. Their attacks collided repeatedly, each holding significant power behind it.

Aster was using all his training as a warrior of Mewni and a martial artist of Earth to try and predict where each attack would land. This put him on the defensive, and was forced to back up, allowing the Dark Chi Warrior to get closer to Tohru and the High Mystic. The other Ben Shui monks were pacifists and healers, and wouldn't be of much help.

Aster eventually had enough and gathered all his Chi into his fist, causing it to glow with a golden light as his fist collided with the bo staff, which was empowered with dark Chi. The collision caused a small explosion that separated the two, pushing Aster closer to Tohru and the Dark Chi Warrior closer to the doorway.

But despite the explosion, the Warrior ran right back in for more. Aster spit out a little blood.

"You want more? I'll give you more." - A

He fearlessly charged at him, turning his wand into a sword.

Jade and Jackie's opponents had switched places. Jade was now running around the temple, narrowly dodging the powerful hammer strikes of the bulkier Dark Chi Warrior chasing her down.

When he threw his hammer at her, she managed to narrowly dodge, grab its hand, and catch a ride as it flew right back into his hand. She used it as an opportunity to claw at the Warrior's eyes and ears before jumping over its head and landing behind it.

The Warrior stumbled back a bit, needing a moment to regenerate, giving Jade a moment to recover her stamina as she climbed up a pillar and tried to figure out a way to bring him down.

Jackie was currently flying around outside the temple. He'd blasted the giant ninja star of his Warrior into a bunch of small pieces, which became a dozen ninja stars that were now pursuing him. He was blasting as many as he could but there were just way too many.

So he changed course and went flying to attack the warrior himself. The ninja stars reformed into the large one and the Warrior raised it up, using its blades as a shield to block against his fist. Jackie began to rely on his strength and Chi Enhancement rather than his long ranged abilities. CQC was his specialty after all.

He began to overwhelm the Warrior with a flurry of attacks, each stronger than the last. He eventually managed to break through the ninja star and punch right through the Warrior's head.

Uncle and Doalon Wong had been fighting a pretty destructive battle. Doalon's spells were dark and powerful, and Uncle, being a proficient light Chi wizard, was mostly focused on redirecting or defending against the spells.

Doalon was especially proficient in wicked curses that he spewed like a snake with its venom. But Uncle wasn't a man who'd go down so easy. He'd sworn to avenge his fallen teacher, and he wouldn't break that promise.

The two men began to chant, preparing their strongest spells. Doalon called upon the flames present in the room to form two serpent like dragons, while Uncle created one out of a bowl of water. They sent their dragons towards each other, each hit creating steam as they fought to see who was the superior magic user.

The water dragon was outnumbered, but the fire dragons were out matched. The water dragon managed to coil around one of them and extinguish it before promptly devouring the other. Uncle then sent the dragon right at Doalon Wong, causing it to collide with his chest.

He fell to his knees, feeling the light Chi coursing through his body and wreaking havoc. Uncle prepared to end the fight, but Doalon fired a death curse at Uncle right before he could finish casting the spell.

"No!" - J

She shouted as she jumped in the way.

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