Green is the New Black - Part 1: Red is Dead

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Caster and Kim were hanging out in Kim's room. Caster was laying on her bed, filling out one of those teen magazine quizzes.

"Ugh!" - K

She threw her head back in frustration. Kim was sitting on the bean bag chair.

"What's wrong now, Kimmy?" - C

He asked while filling in the questions.

"There's this amazing jacket on the Club Banana website and I can't afford it!" - K

"Then look for something cheaper." - C

"You don't get it. Being popular takes serious work. I have to put in full effort into everything I do. Including my appearance. A boy wouldn't understand." - K

Caster scoffed.

"I'll have you know, I was raised as a prince. I know more about keeping appearances than you do." - C

"Oh, yeah? Prove it." - K

She said challengingly.

"Fine." - C

"Fine." - K

Before the two could come up with some kind of challenge, Wade called.

"Bad news, Kim." - W

"Tell me about it. I can't afford even one jacket." - K

"I know, I checked your bank account and your broke. But that's not the bad news." - W

"You've been checking Kim's bank account?" - C

He asked in concern.

"Not important. What is important is that Dr. Drakken broke out of prison. Which is almost as bad as when you used the boy's bathroom by accident last week." - W

"Hey! You read my diary!" - K

"Gotta go!" - W

He hung up.

", a diary, huh? Am I in it?" - C

He grinned, to which she threw a pillow at him.

"Shush." - K

The trio were riding a dog pulled snow sled with one of Kim's contacts. He'd been generous enough to help navigate them.

"Thank you again for saving my life."

The man said.

"Don't mention it, it was just an itty bitty ice berg." - K

'She and Jackie are both so humble, and downplay their achievements.' - C

He noted. Caster was at the front of the sled, and was supposed to be keeping an eye out. Eventually he found exactly what they were looking for.

"Today's weather is gonna be snowy with a chance of Drakken." - C

He said as they found what looked like a rocket with three black and red helicopters circling it.

"Looks suspicious..." - R

"Thanks, Captain Obvious." - K

She said as she prepared for the mission. Caster noticed someone on a snowmobile racing towards them. Once they were close enough, Caster could see it was Shego.

"Hope your dogs have been good boys!" - Shego

She said as she threw a bunch of dog treats into the snow, causing the dogs to suddenly turn to eat them. This cause the entire sled to turn suddenly and throw everyone off.

"That was clever..." - C

He grumbled as he and Kim grabbed the snow boards they'd brought and began to chase after Shego. Ron stayed back for a moment to stop Rufus from eating a dog treat.

Kim and Caster used the snowboards to chase after Shego, who was already ahead. Though it only took them a minute to catch up.

"Nice jacket. Club Banana?" - K

She asked as she and Caster positioned themselves on either of Shego's snowmobile.

"Only the latest." - Shego

She bragged as she tried to claw at them both with her glowing fist, trying to get them away.

"I think it'd look better on me, don't you think?" - K

"Sorry, but no." - Shego

"Wasn't talking to you." - K

She said as Caster jumped on the snowmobile, abandoning his snow board. He and Shego began to fight for control of the steering wheel.

"Get off!!" - Shego

She shouted as Caster removed the jacket. Kim wanted it, and stealing it would annoy the hell out of Shego. So why not? Plus it helped temporarily immobilize Shego's arms when he was removing it.

Shego chose to abandon the snowmobile and escape rather than keep fighting. And with how fast Caster and Kim were going downhill, literally, they couldn't stop to try and catch her.

Drakken ended up being successful in stealing the helicopter.

"We'll just have to wait and see where they strike next to get it back." - K

She sighed as they finally came to a stop in the snow.

"Yeah...but it's not a complete loss." - C

He showed her the jacket. Her face lit up as she took it.

"This is amazing! Bonnie's gonna be so jealous." - K

Caster gave an expectant look. Kim sighed.

"But thank you." - K

"Thank you for thanking me. But we should probably go find Ron. Knowing him, he's probably giving himself hyperthermia by now..." - C
The following morning, at the Possible House...

Kim came downstairs to eat breakfast. James and Caster were already up. Kim was trying to explain to Caster and James the importance of her new, stolen, jacket. Apparently her original one was red, but that was last year and 'red is dead', and green was popular now so she wanted the green one, though Caster pointed out that the green and red jackets had basically the same design. But Kim argued that they were totally different.

When Anne finally came down, she heard their arguing and suggested that Kim get a job to pay for any future clothes she might 'need'. The only job available was...

"Bueno Nacho? Really? My dad is a rocket scientist and my mom is a neuro surgeon, and the best you can come up with is minimum wage?" - K

"It's a start, not a permanent thing. But I'll admit, even I'm not sure about working at a fast food place...I once saw Ron's hot sauce drip on his phone. It melted through the screen..." - C

He shivered a little at the memory.

"It can't be all that bad. Try it before you trash it." - Anne

She said while sitting next to her husband at the dining table. Kim looked at Aster, who just shrugged. Caster could get whatever money he needed from Section Thirteen. Problem was, that would be money taken away from his team's resources...

'Looks like I'm getting an actual job here...' - C

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