Side Story: The Eighth Talisman

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Jackie and Aster were at a monastery in the Himalayas, extracting a talisman that was embedded into a large bell. Aster had already frozen Ratso, Chow, and Finn in ice.

"You're not gonna get away with this!" - Finn

"Shush. One more word outta you three and I'll take your clothes and let you get hyperthermia." - A

He said as he successfully extracted the Horse Talisman.

"We've got company!" - JC

He said as Tohru burst through the door.

"Bee Bomb!" - A

He blasted Tohru with bees, slowing him down just long enough for Jackie and Aster to escape through a portal.

'Now I can go snow boarding whenever I want.' - A

He thought to himself.

"C'mon, Jackie. Uncle's probably waiting for us. You know how he is when it comes to research." - A

"Yeah, I know..." - JC

He sighed as he and Aster went to Uncle's Shop after removing their mission suits. It only took them about thirty minutes.

"What a perplexing riddle..." - Uncle

"What does it say?" - JC

"If activated, the noble horse expels all alien forces within." - JC

"It probably releases little drones to latch onto people's brains and turns them into mind controlled zombies for world domination!" - Jade

" It's probably for healing. Think about it. Healthy as a horse? Expelling alien forces, like germs?" - A

"Mm, nah, my idea is better." - Jade

"Let's just assume it has healing powers. We just need to find someone hurt to test it on-" - A

Jackie got a phone call and answered. Apparently they had another mission at Mount Rushmore.

"Two in one day? That's'd the Dark Hand even get back to America so quickly?" - A

He questioned.

"Mount Rushmore? Can I go? Pleaaase?" - J

"Uh, Uncle needs you here. To help decipher the power of the talisman!" - JC

"...fiiine." - Jade

She agreed without arguing this time

"We'll take plenty of pictures for you." - A

He said as he and Jackie left to Section Thirteen. Again.
Aster and Jackie were on the top of Mount Rushmore. Aster was using magic to produce a long enough rope for Jackie to use to climb down the side of the president's face.

Once he reached the president's right eye, he reached inside and pulled out a talisman.

"Which one is it?" - A

Aster shouted down at him.

"It's...the snake? Ah!" - JC

He shouted in pain as the talisman opened up and two little needles stabbed his hand, injecting something into him.

Aster got worried as he looked down and saw Jackie go limp.

"Shit!" - A

He said as he used the wand to start retracting then rope, and pull Jackie back up to the top where he regained consciousness. Valmont approached the pair.

"It seems my plan worked." - V

Aster pointed his wand at Valmont.

"What did you do?" - A

"Just a little poison. To which only I have the antidote." - Valmont

He said in a smug tone.

"We'll see about that." - A

He said while opening a portal to Section Thirteen.

"You'll do as I ask once you realize you can't save him." - Valmont

He said as Aster helped the weakened Jackie through the portal. He got him to the medical area of the base and began using magic to try and figure out what was wrong with him.

Apparently, Valmont somehow got a petrification potion and used it on Jackie/ which gave Aster an idea. He opened a small portal to Uncle's shop, took the talisman right out of Uncle's hand, and then put it on Jackie's chest.

"Heal him." - A

He commanded while injecting his own magic into the talisman. There was no reaction for a moment, until it glowed and the glow covered Jackie entirely.

Once the glow faded, Jackie opened his eyes and looked perfectly healthy.

"What happened?" - JC

Aster let out a sigh of relief.

"Valmont tried to poison you." - A

"He did what?!" - JC

"Dont worry, the Horse Talismán healed you." - A

Jackie also looked relieved.

"That could've ended very badly..." - JC

Aster nodded as he looked down at the talisman.
Aster and Jackie were in the vault. Aster Hades Jackie the talismán.

"You put it up there." - A

Jackie smiled as he approached the other talismans, and placed the Horse Talisman with them.

"Eight down. Four to go." - A

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