Secrets of StoneHenge - Part 2: New Management

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Jade had a good amount of experience under her belt thanks to all her training and her last few fights. But fighting the wizards was different. They were ranged fighters, so they didn't let her get too close.

She weaves through their attacks of fire, lightning, and wind as she began to claw at them. She even managed to get a few of them to attack each other by accident.

Jade's entire attack style was based on almost pure offense and evasion, with a hint of unpredictability and playfulness as she used her surroundings to her advantage.

As for Jackie, he was strategically trying to avoid hitting any part of Stone Henge so he wouldn't accidentally damage such an important historical relic.

For the most part, he was on the defensive in the fight because he didn't want to severely hurt any of these guys. Jackie was more careful and cautious, and held back significantly during most fights against other humans or humanoids. His compassion for others was restricting him.

Jackie's inability to be more imaginative and creative with his attacks made it harder for him to fully realize his potential. But for now, he was making good progress.

As for Aster, he was taking on a big chunk of Magisters all on his own. He sat back and watched them prepare a giant fireball and launching it at him. He opened a portal with one of his six hands and sent it to The Void.

'Hopefully that'll keep Ludo warm.' - A

"That's...impossible!! What kind of monsters are you?!" - Head Magister

He said as lightning zapped around his eyes and hands.

"That's mean. And we're not monsters. You're just outmatched. Maybe if you'd put more effort into improving your magic rather than hiding, didn't exclusively recruit men, and had a better strategy, then maybe you'd have stood a better chance." - A

"Die!!" - Head Magister

He said as he conjured the largest amount of lightning he could control and formed it into a dragon, which he launched at Aster.

'Oh...that's actually impressive...' - A

He said. He grew increasingly amazed by the potential of humans on Earth. He actually put up a defense this time, creating a golden barrier that shielded him. The Head Magister's lightning dragon hit the barrier and barely cracked it before dispersing in all directions, damaging the room around them significantly.

"Hm...your stronger than I thought you about I make you a deal. You come under me, and I spare everyone here." - A

"...what?" - Head Magister

He asked in confusion, while also being slightly out of breath from using all his magic in one go.

"You Magisters ruled the dark ages because you were smarter than everyone else. Now, your basically a cult that hides from the world, longing for a world that will never be yours...unless." - A

He opened a portal to one of the many wasteland dimensions. It was somewhat similar to Earth. And more importantly, it had a breathable atmosphere. Aster didn't have time to terraform an entire dimension. But elemental magic could be used for more than fighting...

"Another realm...! It's...untouched by man." - Head Magister

"Yup. It's yours. If, and only if, you swear a magic oath to me." - A

His hands glowed with a shimmering blue flame as he extended it towards the Head Magister.

Many of the other Magisters warned their leader that this was equivalent to making a deal with the devil, but he shushed them all so he could think.

"...what will you have us do?" - Head Magister

"I have some powerful enemies. I need powerful allies. And you guys have potential and resources. So, I'll help you grow, as long as you abide by my rules. Whenever I need you, you answer." - A

The Head Magister thought about it. If they had their own world, they could not just reclaim their former glory, but surpass it. They could build their own kingdom!...

He shook Aster's hand.
Aster used magic to amplify his voice to get everyone's attention. The board room was filled with all the top members of the Magisters.

"Alright! This is everyone important, I'm assuming. Im Aster, your new...boss, I guess? Anyways, I have some new rules for you all before I grant you access to the dimension." - A

The magisters muttered to each other, unhappy with their new leader.

"From now on, recruitment won't be limited to men. Woman are just as capable, as some of you may have seen." - A

He said, referring to the few magisters that had fought Jade. They were still covered in bandages. Though this upset many of the elder members.

"This is against our tradition! It must be upheld at all costs!" - Elder

"The same traditions that brought you to where you are now? Look, you don't have to like it. But if I hear about any kind of uprising or resistance because you guys are too sexist to accept some women might be better than you, I won't hesitate to throw you into The Void. And before you ask, no. You won't die. You'll just sit in there until I take you out. Any questions?" - A

The elder magister sat back down after a moment of realizing nobody else was brave enough to support him.

"Cool! Next rule. You will not harm innocent people in any way. You will pay a monthly tax to me in exchange for your access to the dimension. You will give me copies of all your magic books, and lastly, you will remain hidden from the public eye unless told otherwise." - A

The magisters continued to grumble unhappily. No innocents? Fine. Taxes? Whatever, they could make more money. But the books? They were sacred treasures to them...

Aster gestured for the Head Magister to speak next.

"Brothers, I understand change can be difficult. But this man will lead us into the future! He has already given us the gift of a new world. And he has gifted me with power beyond what I ever imagined!" - Head Magister

He said while creating flames in one hand, and water in the other. The magisters gasped in shock. No magister had ever thought of dual casting, much less succeeding at it.

'That's an exaggeration...' - A

All Aster had done was give the Head Magister a few tips on magic that he'd learned from Glossaryck and experience.

With that, the newly renamed Magisters Association became yet another player in the war that was coming...

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