New Recruits - Part 3: The Lake Monster

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Caster finally got some time to himself. Kim and Ron were out on a trip with the cheer squad. Which meant Caster couldn't be guilt tripped into coming along.

But he did promise to come help if they ran into trouble. But until then, he'd just focus on his magic studies. Aster was busy, so studying Lo Pei's scroll magic fell to Caster.

The magic seemed to be similar to the Scroll of Hung Chao, which depended on using symbols. Except Lo Pei's scrolls used pure Light Chi to write the symbols. Aster experimented with it, and used regular notebook paper to practice drawing the symbols.

"Curve here, line there, aaand-!" - C

He was about to finish drawing the first symbol until he messed up and it exploded all over his face.

'...ow.' - C

He used Chi Healing to undo any damage caused by the explosion and tried again. This took the whole day and night. He'd practice, mess up, heal himself, take thirty minutes to meditate and regenerate his Chi, and then continue.

He only managed to complete one successful paralysis scroll. When the next morning arrived, he got a call from Kim.

"What's up?" - C

"We got a situation here. A guy-fish mutant attacked us. Well...Ron, mostly. But still." - K

"Mm, alright. Where are you?" - C
As it turns out, Kim and everyone else got stranded at Camp Wannaweep, which had a radioactive lake that mutated one of the campers, Gil, into a fish-man hybrid a few years ago, giving him various powers.

Ron managed to fight him off and ultimately knock him with a clever plan. So Caster just had to open a portal to Section Thirteen and throw him in.

"What're you gonna do to him?" - K

"Well, I doubt he wants to give up his powers. So I'll see if I can talk him into joining the good guys." - C
When Gill woke up, he was in a cell, being observed by a handsome blonde man. He got up and glared at the man.

"Let me out." - Gill

He demanded. But Aster showed no fear, he looked more...curious than anything else.

Gill looked human, but he was covered in scales, moss, and had fins on his arms, feet, back, and head, with gills on his neck.

When Caster told him about Gill, he decided to personally deal with him. He entered the cell and almost immediately, Gill began to spew balls of toxic venom at him.

Aster used his magic to create a barrier to shield himself as he sat down across from Gill.

"Let's talk." - A

"What's there to talk about? You're with that squweeb." - Gill

"...the what?" - A

"Squealing dweeb. Ron." - Gill

Aster paused for a moment before laughing.

"That's funny. But not really. Think of me as...Ron's associate. I'm here because you have potential and I don't want to see you waste it." - A

"What does that mean?" - Gill

"Y'know, becoming a hero? Fighting for the greater good?" - A

Gill looked at him like he was an idiot.

"Okay, I guess not. I'll just have my guys remove your powers." - A

He said while getting up. The idea of having his powers removed immediately made Gill panic.

"Wait! Let's not be too hasty!" - Gill

Aster smiled as he sat back down.

"Good. Before you can officially join the team, you'll need to tell me all about yourself." - A

Gill rolled his eyes but told Aster his backstory. He loved swimming his whole life. So much so, that when he was at Wannaweep, he and Rob swapped activities so that Gill could swim in the toxic lake twice a day while Ron got to go to Arts & Crafts. That's how he got his powers.

"...and I've hated Ron ever since." - Gill

"You hate the guy that helped you get your powers?" - A

"What?" - Gill

"If he didn't swap activities with you, you probably wouldn't have ever gotten your powers. You should be grateful." - A

Gill paused to think about it.

"Yeah...yeah! He helped me get my powers!" - Gill

He said with a smile.

"Now I can make everyone like me!" - Gill

He grinned.

"Oh, no, that's You can't just turn people into mutants like you." - A

"Why not? I'm better, faster, stronger. Everyone should be like me!" - Gill

"If they choose it, then sure, you could turn them. But think about it. Were you happy when you first turned into this?" - A

"No...but I accepted it, it made me stronger!" - Gill

"You were a kid. You didn't need to be stronger. But it's not too late. You can still have a semi-normal life. We can provide schooling, help you make friends, and maybe even help you get in contact with your family again." - A

Gill's face seemed to soften for a moment at the thought of his family, which probably thought he was long gone or even dead by now...

"...and I get to keep my powers?" - Gill

"Yup. And once you officially become a hero, you'll even have fans. You'll be beloved." - A

"...let me think about it." - Gill

Aster nodded and left the room.
After a few days, Gill agreed to join the team. Aster didn't immediately push him into befriending everyone, but Gill did seem exceptionally excited about the training sessions.

Gill enjoyed fighting, it was a good outlet. And using the swimming pool was relaxing for him. Aster also got him a therapist to talk to. And part of his healing journey was making up with Ron, who was surprisingly forgiving.

It would take time before Ron could truly consider Gill a friend, but they were making progress. As for reconnecting with his family, it was...hard.

His family was initially thrilled to find out he was still alive, but horrified to see what he'd become. Being called a 'monster' really hurt Gill, but Aster and Ron supported him.

Aster managed to convince some of his family members to attend family therapy with Gill to help them understand who he'd become. And, while it would take time, they wanted to try and be a part of his life. He was still the same Gill as before, just...different. Maybe even better, because he was more himself than ever before...

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