The New Jackal - Part 1: Tokyo

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Caster, Kim, and Ron were at Ron's locker this time. He was freaking out because Rufus was apparently missing. He was digging through his locker for any sign of his little buddy.

"Maybe he's just hibernating or something." - K

She theorized.

"Do naked mole rats even hibernate?" - C

Kim shrugged.

"It's Spirit Week! If Rufus missed it, he'd gonna be crushed! No way he'd leave willingly." - Ron

He said as all the junk in his locker fell out, revealing Rufus who immediately jumped into Ron's pants and began to run around, making Ron laugh. Caster took a step back.

"Rufus!" - R

He said as he pulled him out of his pants to look at him.

"Still as freaky looking as ever." - C

"Ever think of getting a normal pet?" - K

"Like what?" - R

"Something that doesn't have 'naked' in the name?" - K

"My dad's allergic to every type of fur. Naked is the only way to go." - R

"That sounds...wrong." - C

Caster and Ron then noticed Kim was staring at someone. They looked in the direction she was staring at and saw none other than-

"Josh Manke?" C & R

Rufus gagged at the mention of his name. Josh was among the most popular boys at school. Mostly because he was considered hot.

"Wait, please tell me you don't have a crush on him-" - C

He turned to look at her but she was already gone. He looked back at Josh and she was already over there, trying to talk to him. He sighed.

"She's gonna get her heart broken..." - A

He and Ron watched as Kim nervously spoke to Josh before coming back with a super red face.

"Ughh!!! I can't even form a sentence around Josh! How am I supposed to ask him to Friday's dance?" - K

"There's a dance on Friday?" - C

"Yeah! Everybody's talking about it." - K

"Oh...well, I've been busy." - C

Caster has been working hard to try and master the powers of the Amulet.

"Why do you even wanna ask Manke? Don't you and Ron always go together?" - C

"Yeaaahh...but that's as friends, and I kinda wanted to try a date." - K

"Oh...what?!" - R

He said, clearly a little panicked.

"Just because she's trying to ask someone out doesn't mean she's abandoning you, Ron." - C

He said, wanting to prevent him from going crazy over this tiny issue.

"Exactly! Who are you guys going to ask?" - K

"Uhh...I could just go with Ron." - C

"Oh, im flattered, but I don't swing that way, man." - R

" friends. Y'know. Like you and Kim?" - C

He said with a deadpanned expression.

"Ohhhh!" - R

Kim smiled a little before getting an alert from the Communicator. She opened up her locker and Wade was already waiting on the computer.

"We've been getting missions all day!" - Wade

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